Monday, March 30, 2020

April Fool's Day

Director - Fred Walton (When A Stranger Calls, Alfred Hitchcock Presents)
Starring - Ken Olandt (Leprechaun, Summer School), Amy Steel (Friday the 13th Part 2, Quantum Leap), and Deborah Foreman (My Chauffeur, Waxwork)
Release Date - 1986
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Guess who's going to be the life of the party?"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     When I was in middle I was flipping through the channels as Halloween approached when I landed on a horror movie marathon on some random channel I never watched before.  I think the channel at the time was IFC but I could be wrong.  The marathon had Boogens, a random Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine, April Fool's Day, and two other slashers that skipped my mind at the moment.  This was my first time for most of these except MBV and the Friday the 13th film.  When April Fool's Day came on I found myself fascinated with it.  It starred Ken Olandt from Leprechaun, which was a childhood favorite of mine, along with Friday the 13th Part 2's final girl Amy Steel.  When it was over I turned to eBay and found a cheap VHS of it and since then I've bought the movie several times on DVD.  When Scream Factory announced a blu release I knew I had to jump on it.  I fucking loved it that much.  Once again I want to thank Scream Factory for sending this one my way.  
     The film follows Muffy who just inherited a giant mansion and decides to throw a party for some of her friends.  What they don't know is that someone has it out for the group and one by one they are being murdered.

     I know several horror fans dislike this particular slasher due to the ending twist but I love it.  Sure, it makes previous scenes not have the impact they had as the film was progressing but it does deliver something different while keeping with the theme of the holiday.  I think that is one of the many reasons I like this one so much.  The acting in this one is solid but reminiscent of other slashers from the time frame.  The cast is extremely overdramatic at times but this is what makes slashers so much fun.  Watching the cast overreact and over sale the danger is one of the defining qualities of slashers.  The cast works very well together but some of the characters are rather cliched and generic especially for a slasher from 1986.  I will say that the character of Muffy and Buffy does stand out which makes the performance more memorable than the others.  The story for this one follows like most slashers.  We follow a group of young people as they are systematically picked off one by one by an unknown murderer.  This works for the film's theme but the biggest turn on/off for most horror fans is the ending.  The April Fools jest works for me but I can see why some people find it disappointing.  We have solid pacing and the horror splits up the rather boring dialogue.  Finally, this slasher doesn't focus on the kills themselves but more on who is dying.  We do get some after the fact shots but for the sake of the story they are far from perfect.  Overall, April Fool's Day is not for everyone.  Some hardcore slasher fans may not find it in good taste but I absolutely love it.  I often recommend it to many horror fans looking for something outside of the Halloween, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm St. series.  The blu is beautiful and a must for horror fans.  Check it out.  

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Frames of Fear 3

Director(s) - Dustin Ferguson (Meathook Massacre II, A Taste of Phobia), Richard Mogg (Easter Bunny Bloodbath, Teenage Slumber Party Nightmare), Brad Twigg (Killer Campout, Milfs vs. Zombies), and Matt Watts (Fatal Premonitions)
Starring - Jarad Allen (Cheerleader Camp: To the Death, Invitation to Die), Kaitlyn Yurkiw (Teenage Slumber Party Nightmare, Massage Parlor of Death), and Jenni Caroline (Nemesis 5: The New Model, The Legacy of Boggy Creek)
Release Date - 2019
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Tagline - "It's still not safe to use the VCR"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     Horror anthologies are a favorite of mine.  When I was growing up I absolutely loved nothing more than sitting down and spinning some horror anthologies like the two Creepshow films, From a Whisper to a Scream, Twilight Zone: The Movie, Tales from the Darkside: The Movie and so on.  Indie horror anthologies can be really fun but what really makes or breaks an indie anthology for me is the wraparound segment.  If it's weak then you can expect a weak anthology.  One of the reasons I enjoy the Frames of Fear series so much is the wrap around segment featuring John Waters' regular George Stover as Festering Frank as a horror host.  When director Brad Twigg reached out to me to check out the third installment of the series I had to jump on it.  Thanks Brad!
     The film follows horror host Festering Frank as he tells several tales full of horror and fright.  The first tale follows a young man searching for his missing friend when he bites off more than he can chew.  The second tale follows a pair of scientists that resurrects the body of a serial killer who has a hard time letting go of his past life.  The third tale follows a young woman who suffers a severe brain injury while out for a jog.  The doctor replaces her brain with that of a dogs and a series of unfortunate events soon follow.   This takes us to the fourth tale which follows and elderly couple that celebrates their anniversary in a strange way.  The fifth and final tale follows a beautiful young woman who enjoys the finer thing in life...and blood.
     I like what Twigg delivers with his Frames of Fear series.  Each film has a theme so to speak with this one being more open to humor.  It works but you have to really enjoy the oddball side of no budget horror.  The acting in this one is very inconsistent.  Even more so than most horror anthologies consisting of tales from different filmmakers.  The characters are fun for the most part, with others being more memorable than some, but there is several scenes where the cast is extremely awkward.  I don't mean just a little uncomfortable in front of the camera.  When I say awkward I mean they are so awkward to watch that I almost turned the movie off.  These scenes are few and far in-between but they are still there.  The stories for this one are fun if you allow them to be.  Those of you that are way too critical of indie horror and jerk off to extreme horror will not enjoy yourself.  However, if you like high brow comedy and no budget fun then you will really enjoy this one like I did.  I liked most of the segment but it is a little confusing at times.  I think the Frankenstein inspired segment splits up a few other segments throughout the film which is confusing as to why that segment is serving as a partial bookend.  Regardless, it is a solid and humorous installment of an anthology series I already enjoy.  Finally, those of you looking for blood will find plenty of it.  We get several gruesome deaths that range in the quality of the effects.  Some of the segments has some very impressive effects and gore while others were fun but they were lacking.  Overall, Frames of Fear 3 is bloody, funny, and well worth your time.  It doesn't reinvent the horror anthology but it does contribute with another entertaining film.  Fans of no budget indie horror will want to add this one to their collection.  Check it out now on DVD!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Harvest of Horrors

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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Titans Season 2

Creator(s) - Greg Berlanti (Green Lantern, The Flash), Akiva Goldsman (Batman & Robin, Fringe), and Geoff Johns (Aquaman, Wonder Woman)
Starring - Brenton Thwaites (Maleficent, Oculus), Teagan Croft (The Osiris Child, Home and Away), and Anna Diop (Us, 24: Legacy)
Release Date - 2019
Genre - Action/Crime
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     My work schedule has been pretty fucking shitty with all this COVID-19 shit going around.  My job in wireless is considered essential during this pandemic level event.  I've been trying to get caught up on reviews but work and home life has been so fucking hectic that I can't seem to find the time to watch two shows that was sent my way for review.  One of those shows is the second season of Titans.  I watched the first season and the spinoff Doom Patrol earlier in the month and fucking loved them both.  I took a three day weekend this passed weekend and binged season 2 before I headed back to work.
     The season begins with Trigon getting the upper hand on the Titans and is able to fully materialize on Earth but Rachel is able to use her powers to stop him.  Dick takes the new titans back to Titan Tower without telling them what happened with the original Titans and the death of Jericho, Deathstroke's son.  Now their lives are in danger as Deathstroke aims to split them up.  On their journey they also have to face Camdus Labs, Lex Luther and Superman's clone Conner, a brainwashed Gar, and Spitfire's sister Blackfire.
     I really enjoyed the first season of the show and before I jumped into season 2 I decided to visit the spinoff series Doom Patrol which I absolutely fucking loved.  I expected season 2 to be a on the same level as the first season but it was absolutely nothing like the first season.  Doom Patrol is my favorite so far but season 2 of Titans is just as fucking good if not better.  The acting in this one is absolutely perfect.  I loved the characters and the cast does an amazing job bringing them to life.  Some of the performances is a little cheesy but they fit the superhero theme of the film very well.  The story we get for season 2 is inconsistent but it still hold your attention.  We end season 1 with the build up of Trigon but we begin season 2 with Trigon dying fairly easily before spinning into the Deathstroke storyline.  We have a lot of ups and downs but we never really get that sense of doom like we do in the first season.  With that being said, the introduction of all these new characters really kept you glued to the screen.  Pacing aside, this season is way more entertaining than the first season.  Finally, the film does have some blood here and there but the main focus is the characters, costumes, and story.  No gore for you sick fucks.  Overall, Titans Season 2 is a must watch for DC fans and fans of action.  We get some fun stories and different spins on heroes we all know and love.  The lack of urgency does hit but not as much as you would as suspect.  Check it out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blood Rites of the Vampyr

Director - Sebastien Godin (DinoGore, Slimoids)
Starring - Vicki Bitis (DinoGore, The Ties That Bind Her), Luc Bernier (Meathook Massacre II, A Blood Story), and Kiefer Friday
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Believe in her"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     COVID-19 may have the world at a standstill but that is not stopping some indie filmmakers.  Many are using this time to work on screenplays, edit their current projects, and find other creative outlets to express themselves.  Sometime last year I was browsing social media when I came across a producer selling copies of the horror comedy Slimoids.  I was hooked.  Director Sebastien Godin has an eye for horror like I do.  He has a love for oddball horror similar to myself but he also has a strong passion for the classics as well.  His range of horror really makes him a director after my own heart.  A few weeks back I reviewed his film DinoGore and I thought it would be some time before I would be checking out another one from him but he recently surprised me with his newest film Blood Rites of the Vampyr.  Thanks Seb for sending this one my way.
     The film follows a small community that is plagued by a series of murders where the bodies are found with puncture wounds on their necks and the corpse is drained of blood.  No one seems to know how the killer is doing this but one detective suspects that a local legend about a vampire has something to do with it.

     I love a good vampire flick.  I grew up on Fright Night, The Lost Boys, Children of the Night, and My Best Friend is a Vampire.  I watched these films more times than I can count and I find myself going between the menacing vampire films and the ones mixed with comedy.  Regardless, I love vampire films but I find myself turned off by most modern vampire flicks because they are so fucking tacky.  Blood Rites of the Vampyr is a little on the tacky but it's homage to classic vampire films more than makes up for this.  The acting in this one is solid.  Most of the cast works very well together and really takes the time to get into character but there was a few scenes where their inexperience worked against them.  With that being said, I really enjoyed the characters even though they were cliched they still worked for the film.  The story for this one is a classic vampire tale that mixing mythology, religion, and mystery elements.  The story works in all these elements but still remains fairly simple.  It's very easy to follow and mixes the story with the imagery very well.  It does get a little dry in the middle of the film but picks itself up.  Finally, the film is bloody and has the same deaths you would expect from a vampire flick.  The effects works for the film but those of you looking for a gorefest will be disappointed.  Overall, Blood Rites of the Vampyr is a no budget tribute to the classic vampire films of yesteryear.  It has some beautiful shots and an awesome soundtrack but does get a little heavy in the middle before picking back up.  I highly suggest giving this one a spin when you can.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Director - Rohit Govardhanam (Hannah's Demons, Blow Me!)
Starring - Liz Richman (Contamination, Runaway Nightmare), Shaina Hammer (The Chains that Bind, Wolf Park), and Chok Suwanavisootr (Snake Outta Compton, Ghostbusters of Long Beach)
Release Date - 2019
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Tagline - "One toilet paper.  Big mess"
Format - Streaming

Rating (out of 5):

     While most of the world is on lockdown I still have to work because my state is always last for everything.  I'm still going to work which is even more stressful than usual with the fear of the Covid-19 along with shitheads that makes these situations even worse.  I took a three day weekend to spend time with my family and watch some movies.  The first movie I tossed on was a short that was sent to us on our Instagram page.  The horror short, Wiped, was about a demonic roll of toilet paper.  What a more fitting time to watch a horror movie centered around toilet paper while most of us are wiping our asses with our surplus of McDonald's napkins?
     The film follows a group of twenty-somethings that are having a few beers after having some Asian food.  One of them is struggling with the spices they just ingested and has to take a shit break.  However, the toilet paper in the bathroom is not your normal toilet paper.  

     I love a good horror comedy and I love ridiculous horror films so a ridiculous horror comedy about a demonic toilet paper was right up my alley.  I really enjoyed the short and I'm glad that the film made a short running time over a feature length. The acting in this one is solid but the characters were a little annoying.  The cast is very comfortable in front of the camera but the characters just didn't work well with the short.  Their personalities clashed and the people were hard to like.  The story for this one is simple and works. You need to keep in mind that this film was completed sometime last year before the COVID outbreak and toilet paper shortage.  With that being said, the humor finds it's mark now more than ever.  Honestly, I don't know how funny I would find this story before today but now it's fucking hilarious.  The film makes good use of the film's short running time but does leave itself open for a follow up.  Finally, if you are looking for some no budget gore you are barking up the wrong tree. We get some visual effects here and there but the film relies heavily on the story to carry the film.  Overall, Wiped is a cheap and quick horror comedy that works.  I feel like the humor would be very underwhelming last month but now it finds a new audience amidst all this.  Check it out.  

Clown Fear

Director - Minh Collins (Rocking the Couch, Hit List)
Starring - Augie Duke (Exit 0, Blood Craft), Elissa Dowling (Tales of Halloween, We Are Still Here), and Randy Wayne (Hellraiser: Judgement, Paranormal Island)
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "You'll die laughing"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I hit a slump with some of the movies I've recently watched and reviewed.  After I revisited The Vineyard I decided to toss in a few zombie flicks that I had never seen before.  Sadly, these two films, The Hoard, and Dead Earth, were not entertaining.  With those movies behind me I decided to check out a few other indie productions.  With so many sitting on my shelf collecting dust I decided to toss in the new release of the killer clown film Clown Fear.  The artwork and title was a little off putting but I still wanted to give it my full attention. 
     The film follows a bridal party as they make their way through the desert when they have an accident.  They abandon their car and walk until they meet an isolated hotel that embraces a clown theme.  They spend the night and attempt to find some fun around the hotel the following day but soon find themselves surrounded by a community that worships their clown lineage to the point it's become a religious cult. 
     The film's artwork and title is a little cringy if you want my honest opinion but the trailer was very interesting.  The film had a few cool moments throughout but at the end of the day it's just another Wal-Mart horror flick.  Generic in every way.   The acting in this one is solid for what it is but it's damn near impossible to like any of the characters.  The bridal party, the clowns, the locals, the groom to be and his groomsmen were all very unlikable characters that were painfully cliched.  They work with what they have but the performances fit the film.  The story for this one is one we have seen thousands of times by this point.  We follow a group of beautiful people in the desert as they stumble across a community of killers.  I'm not saying this is The Hills Have Eyes with clowns instead of inbreeding radiated folk but it's hard not to make the connection.  Similarities aside, the film does give us a cool little back story about the clown cult that I really enjoyed but it was not explored enough to truly impact the film like it should have.  Finally, the film has a few surprising kills with solid practical effects but the kills are never really the center of the scene.  The viewer does not get to really enjoy all the hard work put into the kills.  Overall, Clown Fear wasn't a bad watch but the unoriginality and lack of compassion makes this one generic and forgettable.  If you are looking for something new as a late night watch this might fill the void but this one will not be making any top ten list.  

Friday, March 20, 2020

Dead Earth

Director - Wych Kaosayananda (The Driver, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever)
Starring - Milena Gorum (The Driver, The Black Room), Alice Tantayanon (The Driver), and Brian Migliore
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Two women.  A million undead.  One chance to survive"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (Out of 5):

     A few days ago I decided to watch a few zombie flicks during the beginning of the pandemic.  Cheesy, I know.  I went with an unusual film that featured some undead with Vinegar Syndrome's The Vineyard. I followed that up with a painfully mediocre horror comedy The Hoard before moving on to 2020's Dead Earth.  This was a new one on me that was sent a few weeks back for review.  The trailer didn't paint much of a picture for the film but I was still excited to check out another undead film during these unusual times.  
     The film follows two women as they ride out the zombie apocalypse together.  They spend most of their day relaxing by the pool, watching movies with headsets on so they don't attract unwanted attention, and when the mood is right they sometimes hook up.  That changes while out searching for supplies they come across two men.  They fear for their lives and kill the men which causes a commotion that attracts the undead.  
     I had a lot of high hopes for this one when I tossed it in.  I wasn't expecting a genre changing film but I was hoping for some entertainment value.  Sadly, the film was almost unwatchable for me.  The movie has no plot, no action, and the cast was extremely awkward on top of having the worst looking zombies I have ever seen.  The acting in this one is not bad but the film, along with the characters, is rather boring.  The two female leads lack personalities and due to the film's nature they deliver very underwhelming performances.  The same can be said about the remaining cast members.  The story for this one is very generic where we follow survivors after the apocalypse has it.  We don't see what caused it or what sent the world into shit but we do follow these two through their daily functions.  Honestly, nothing knew is given to the viewer here and what we do get is extremely boring.  Finally, if you want gore you will not find it here.  However, if you want to see zombies with painted white faces and cheap make up effects then this one is for you.  Overall, Dead Earth doesn't feel like a completed movie.  In fact, it feels like it was filmed in between projects and when they were unable to get together to finish it they quickly edited the footage together so they would have something to release.  Skip it.  

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Director - Josh Miller (Zero Intuitions)
Starring - Josh Miller and Kinsley Funari (Hell at Heathridge, Raw Focus)
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Horror/Thriller
Tagline - "Do you have another...?"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     It's a weird fucking time to be alive right now.  Mother fuckers out here fighting over toilet paper while completely disregarding their safety and everyone else's by not staying indoors to prevent the spread of the virus.  We have businesses putting workers health on the line by remaining open while they should be closing their business doors.  While most people want to spend their time arguing with people during this pandemic I've decided to watch movies and focus on hobbies.  A few weeks back actress Kinsley Funari reached out to review a new short that she starred in and was directed by actor Josh Miller.  Thank you Kinsley for allowing Horror Society and myself to check this out.
     The film follows two friends getting together for a beer and talk about some artwork one of them recently did.  Her work showed everything in pairs and she doesn't understand her need to paint them.  Soon her friend begins acting weird and leaves.  Soon after his departure she learns the horrifying reasoning behind why he was acting strange.

     Director and actor Josh Miller has been subjected to several of my films due to his work with indie filmmakers Shawn Burkett, Ryan Stacy, and Henrique Couto.  He's an amazing actor and all his experience on indie film only makes him more than qualified to step behind the camera to direct his own films.  2 was a fun short that makes great use of it's time while showcasing how capable Miller is to step behind the camera.  The acting in this one is great.  Miller does a solid job as expected in his role.  His character fits the story very well.  Kinsley Funari also delivers a solid performance as well.  The short is just around 7 minutes so we don't get a lot of time with them but for the length of the film we get decent performances from both.  The story for this one is entertaining but leaves way more questions than answers.  I liked what we were given but the film could have been a hell of a lot longer with so much more substance.  Finally, the film has some blood with minimal practical effects but for those of you looking for a bloodbath may want to check out something else.  However, if you want a well crafted short with some great acting then this one is for you.  Overall, 2 may not be the most inspiring indie horror short I've seen but it is quality.  Josh and Kinsley work so well together and I can't wait to see what they bring us fans in the future.  If you get a chance to check this out I highly recommend you do.  It's well worth your time.