Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie

Director(s) - Michael Herz (The First Turn On!!, Stuck on You!) and Lloyd Kaufman (A Halloween Carol, Shakespeare's Shitstorm)
Starring - Ron Fazio (The Supernatural Diaries, Clover), Phoebe Legere (King of New York, Marquis de Slime), and Rick Collins (Vampire's Embrace, Parts of the Family)
Release Date - 1989
Genre - Action/Comedy
Tagline - "The real American superhero"
Format - UHD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I've learned a bit about genre fans, more specifically Troma fans, the last few days while I was watching the new UHD Toxic Avenger box set. I've always like the film series as a whole but never realized that many Troma fans dislike Toxic Avengers II and III. While the films are very different from the first and fourth film in the series, they are unique in how they were shot which may be why so many Troma fans dislike them. While both films were filmed as one film and then split up due to the amount of footage does create a bit of an odd flow for these two films, but I enjoy them. Like always, I want to thank MVD and Troma for sending over this box set! 
      Toxie has once again cleaned up Tromaville and has entered severe depression when he learns of a surgery that could restore his beloved's eyesight. Sadly, he doesn't have the ridiculous sum of money required to get her the surgery. He agrees to be a spokesperson for Apocalypse Inc. where he is able to afford her surgery while inadvertently turning his back on Tromaville and his fans. As the money comes rolling in he becomes less like himself and more like a corporate sellout. He soon realizes this and returns to his old ways resulting in a battle between Toxie and the evil leader of Apocalypse Inc., the devil himself. 
      If I was to take the time to rank all the Toxic Avenger films, Toxic Crusaders included, Part III would be low man on the totem pole. It's not that I hate it because I most definitely don't, but I would rather be watching one of the other films in the series over this one. With that being said, it's hard not to watch Part II without following it up with Part III. The acting in this one is obviously consistent with Part II considering both films were filmed as one and then split during editing. Nothing I can really say here that I didn't say in my review for Part II. I like the energy, the personalities that each character brings to the screen, and the dedication they all have for their roles. The story for this one does bring everything full circle but I feel like the elements that made Part II so enjoyable are lacking here. I loved the trip through Japan and watching learn about their customs, culture, and fighting styles. We have some Troma-inspired slapstick, and a lot of great characters. In Part III we have a return to Tromaville where Toxie becomes a corporate flunky that just doesn't work. It's a bit dull and very predictable once it starts rolling. I liked how the evil corporation is a front for the devil and the big battle at the end is a lot of fun but the film just doesn't have the spunk as the previous two films. Finally, the film once again showcases a lot of DIY effects. We get some great make-up effects, more bloody moments, and a few memorable deaths scenes. While the effects are not the focus of the film, they still work, especially when you consider the film's budget. Overall, Part III is still a great addition to the Troma franchise but it is the weakest of the four films. Check it out.

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