Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Arbor Day

Director(s) - Chuck Conry (Door 1 of the 5 Doors to Hell, Screwdriver) and Ryan Grooms (Whistling Jack)
Starring - Ryan Grooms, Sarah Sulfridge, and Ethan Bouldin
Release Date - 2024
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Tagline - "Johnny would die for his environment... now he's going to make you do the same"
Format - Streaming (YouTube)

Rating (out of 5):

     I've been a fan of Tennessee filmmaker Chuck Conry for sometime now after Wild Eye Releasing sent me his no budget slasher Morbid to review.  Since then I've been lucky enough to review his anthology Door 1 of the 5 Doors to Hell and his second slasher Screwdriver.  It's been a few years since his last film and Chuck surprised me with a link to his newest film Arbor Day.  While it doesn't really fit with the Halloween theme, I still couldn't wait to check it out as October approaches.  I want to thank Chuck for sending this one over for me to check out. I truly appreciate it.  
     The film follows an environmentalist who is turned down by his girlfriend when he asks her hand in marriage.  She is fed up with him and his dedication to trees and moves on to someone else.  When a colleague of his tries to steal his "secret formula" he finally snaps and starts killing everyone in the name of environmental preservation.
     Chuck and his co-director kept this one pretty lose to their chests.  I had no idea the film was shot, edited, and ready for release.  I haven't seen an image or single post about this film until Chuck sent me the link to the film.  I love going into a movie completely blind and I appreciate how Chuck didn't spoil too much with his social media presence.  The acting in this one is a bit uneven but not the worst I've seen.  The cast is extremely comfortable in front of the camera and their interactions feel genuine.  However, there is several times where the cast becomes stiff and the dialogue becomes very awkward.  It's obvious not everyone had acting experience prior to this one.  The story for this one is textbook slasher formula.  We follow someone who was wronged who then sets out on a murderous rampage.  while it is a bit on the goofy side and the humor feels out of place at times I still enjoyed it.  I've always had a soft spot for no budget slashers and this one does the trick.  Finally, don't expect a blood bath or impressive practical effects.  The kills take place off screen or use very minimal, if any, practical effects.  We do get a little bit of make-up effects but that is about the extent of it.  Overall, Arbor Day may not be the best slasher I've seen but it was a lot of fun.  It's great that Chuck is back behind the camera and hopefully we will be getting more from this genre fan soon enough.  Check it out.  

Monday, October 14, 2024

Tales of the Creeping Death

Director - John Williams (The Mothertown, The Slayers)
Starring - Michael Socha (Killers Anonymous, Chernobyl), Andrew Readman (Creeped Out, Cold Feet), and Ricky Tomlinson (The Witchfinder, In the Flesh)
Release Date - 2022
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Would you like to hear a story"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

    Many moons ago, almost a decade or so now, I was contacted by filmmaker John Williams to review his zombie film The Mothertown.  Sometime after that I was contact to review the next film he had worked on titled The Slayers.  It was around this time that it seems like I had lost contact with him.  That was until recently when he reached out for me to review his 2022 horror anthology Tales of the Creeping Death.  He had originally messaged me to have his movie included in my annual October horror binge but I decided to give it a spin early.  I want to thank John for sending this one over for review.
     The film follows an elderly man who put an ad out to have someone sit with him until 3 am.  A "professional" responds to the ad thinking he is about to make some easy money.  To pass the time, the old man reads him a few demented stories before finally revealing the true nature of why he needed someone with him that night.
     Tales of the Creeping Death is a fantastic modern horror anthology that checks almost every box on my list which makes me wonder where the fuck John Williams has been hiding.  I remember really enjoying both those films when I originally reviewed them and this anthology was way more entertaining that I expected.  Does he have more movies that I don't know about?  Is he working on something else that satisfy my taste for great story telling and practical effects?  As of right now I don't know the answer to these questions but you better believe I'm having a word with him as soon as I post this review.  The acting in this one is very well done but some of the segments showcase better performances than others.  However, that doesn't mean some of the performances were bad because they were not.  I'm just saying that some of the performances overshadows some of the others.  The casting is fantastic, each segment features well written characters and the cast goes all in for their role.  The stories for this one is great.  The wrap around segment works well enough to tie all the other segments together but it is the weakest in the film followed by the segment that follows the young man "making" friends.  The remaining two segments are easily my favorite but even the weakest segment is better than most of the indie horror films I review.  Finally, the film really impressed me with the practical effects.  We get some classic camera tricks, practical and make-up effects, and so on to give us some impressive moments.  The soul draining scene in particular really impressed me.  This film has to be seen just for the effects alone.  Overall, Tales of the Creeping Death is one I did not expect to love as much as I did.  It has a great cast, solid stories with a decent enough wrap around segment, and the effects are unparalleled among other indie genre efforts.  I cannot recommend this film enough.  


Director - Timothy Troy (Ding Dong, Hold My Horse)
Starring - Paige Bourne (Attack of the Corn Zombies, It Came from Somewhere) and Jon Stevenson 
Release Date - 2023
Genre - Horror
Tagline - Let's have a heart to heart..."
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     We are just a few days shy of October as I write this and that means my yearly month long horror binge is about to begin.  I made a post about it on my social medias and several filmmakers reached out for me to review their films.  One of those films just happens to be a horror short from director Timothy Troy titles Candor.  I was going to wait until October to check this one out but at being less than two minutes long, I decided to go ahead and check it out now.  I want to take a moment to thank Timothy for sending this one over.
     The film follows a young woman who seems to be walking around a hotel room talking to her assumed date.  She explains that she just met him and knew the date would lead to this moment but she was happy that it did.  That is until we see the man is bound to the bed with his heart ripped out of his chest and placed in a jar.
     I knew absolutely nothing about Candor prior to watching it but I did really enjoy it.  It was a solid short but it did raise more questions than it had answers.  The film has an extremely small cast.  It consists of two people, Bourne who does a great job as the murderous vixen on a date, and Stevenson who just lays there.  While the acting is uneven, Bourne was amazing and did a fantastic job.  The story for this one is enjoyable as a two minute short but I was left with so many questions.  Who was the murdered man?  Why did she take his heart?  Did they hook up at least before she murdered him?  I have way too many questions that the film doesn't answer.  Finally, the film has a little bit of blood and an end scene that looks gnarly but isn't perfect.  The film ends with a man laying in a bed with a hole in his chest.  The prosthetics they use looks good but it's a bit dry.  If someone had their heart taken the area would be extremely bloody and glistening.  It just doesn't look right in my opinion.  Overall, Candor is a pretty solid short but I would have loved a little bit more to this one.  It is fun as it is but I still have so many questions.  

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sammy Slick: Vampire Slayer

Director - Christopher Leto (Psycho Science, Death Blow)
Starring - Klein Wong (Swamp Woman, Death Blow), Ariella Aegen (The Book, Dangerous Isolation), and Barbora Sulova (The Beast Comes at Midnight, Werewolf of Wismar)
Release Date - 2023
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Format - Streaming (Tubi)

Rating (out of 5):

     Yesterday I inadvertently found myself in a Jessa Flux double feature when I hit play on Brad Twigg's Crackcoon and followed that up with Christopher Leto's Psycho Science.  Both films were fantastic and after watching Psycho Science I realized I had yet to watch another newer one from Leto.  In 2023 he release the horror comedy Sammy Slick: Vampire Slayer and I completely forgot to snag a copy.  I saw it it was on Tubi and decided to check it out as well which, coincidentally, turned into a Klein Wong and Ariella Aegen double feature.  
     The film follows Sammy Slick (Wong) who is a vampire slayer.  He receives a visit from a stripper who claims that the strip club she works at is now owned by vampires.  An investigation into the nightclub results in the owner and her goons finding out he is looking into them.  She sends out several hits on him and his assistant forcing them to fight back.
     Sammy Slick was a pretty enjoyable vampire flick but I did find myself laughing at some unintentionally funny moments.  I knew they were unintentional because of how out of place it was.  However, if you were to remove these elements completely, the film would still be enjoyable.  The acting in this one is pretty solid for the most part.  The characters are very well written and the cast does a fantastic job with what they were given.  Wong and Aegen are great together and I hope to see them both appear in more genre films.  With that being said, the fight scenes had me ugly laughing.  The cast was so stiff and awkward to watch that it resulted in some laughs that were clearly not intentional.  The story for this one is straight forward with no plot twists or real depth.  While I would have liked a little more substance to the story, I still found it enjoyable especially when you consider how well written the characters are.  You don't get a lot of indie horror films with characters written that well.  Finally, the film has some blood, nudity, and horrible visual effects.  The blood is fine and the nudity is perfect but the visual effects were atrocious.  Honestly, the film could have went another route to show the vampires dying instead of taking the Buffy the Vampire approach.  Overall, Sammy Slick: Vampire Slayer is a solid indie vampire flick.  While I did have some laughs at it's expense, I still enjoyed it for what it was.  Grab a few beers and enjoy the nudity at the very least!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Psycho Science

Director - Christopher Leto (Sammy Slick: Vampire Slayer, Death Blow)
Starring - Ariella Aegen (Swamp Woman, Basketball Jones: The First Chapter), Blake Drivas (The Man in the White Van, Your Dad's Greatest Nightmare), and Jessa Flux (Crackcoon, Bigfoot Exorcist)
Release Date - 2024
Genre - Horror/Comedy/Sci-Fi
Tagline - "It's Weird Science meets Psycho!"
Format - Streaming (Tubi)

Rating (out of 5):

     It looks like I inadvertently had a Jessa Flux double feature.  A few days back I was asked to review Crackcoon by filmmaker Brad Twigg which featured Jessa Flux.  It was around that time that director Christopher Leto contacted me to share news that his film Psycho Science was now streaming on Tubi.  I had never seen this one before and put it on my list to check out after I had watched Crackcoon.  As soon as I finished it I jumped over to Tubi and hit play on Psycho Science where I was greeted with Jessa Flux's name during the opening credits.  I wasn't planning on having a Jess Flux double feature but it was well welcomed especially after the shitty week I've had.
     The film follows two beautiful women who are struggling in the dating scene so they turn to their extremely smart friend to create them the perfect man with his computer.  They send him all the info and he creates them the perfect man... that is until they realize that the image they used was that of a serial killer.  It doesn't take long for his murderous side to emerge which sends him to the cabin where he committed his heinous crimes.  He arrives just as two couples who had rented the cabin for a quick getaway.  Now, he's back on familiar ground with a fresh supply of victims.  
     Psycho Science's tagline really does sum this one up the best.  "It's Weird Science meets Psycho!" and it's not wrong.  Why it took someone almost 4 decades to put these two together is beyond me but it fucking works.  The acting in this one is pretty fucking solid.  We get a substantial role from Flux who is so fucking natural in front of the camera.  She holds nothing back and gives fans a little skin to enjoy.  We are also introduced to Ariella Aegen and Aja Toombs who are fantastic as well.  They work so well together and I seriously hope we get to see them in more genre films.  The supporting cast is just as solid but I found myself being truly impressed by D'Andre Noire's performance.  While Flux, Aegen, and Toombs are gorgeous and extremely talented, Noire's performance becomes intense a his monstrous side is shown in the later scenes.  I could see him taking on the role of a slasher and absolutely killing in...pun intended.  The story for this one is a lot of fun especially if you are one of those film fans with a hard on for 80's cinema.  I am, and this one really does click a lot of boxes for me.  We get a throwback to one of the most popular sci-fi comedies to come out of the beloved decade that mixes with elements of Hitchcock's classic.  Honestly, it works in a campy way and when you mix that with the humor and nudity, you get something that many genre fans can enjoy.  With that being said, it does hit a bit of a drag when the film transitions from the two girls looking for love to the couples going to the cabin.  The car scene and subsequent scenes of them getting settled into the cabin is a bit of a slow burn.  I understand why we have it but it could be trimmed down a bit.  Finally, the film has several death scenes with some blood.  We get a some light effects but nothing too drastic or memorable.  The film puts a lot of emphasis on story, character development, and nudity over gore and effects.  It's a bummer but a film can't be perfect. Overall, Psycho Science is the mash up I never considered but one that I absolutely love.  I seriously hope director Christopher Leto follows this one up with a sequel or another unexpected mash up,  Be sure to check this one out on Tubi!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Frankie Freako

Director - Steven Kostanski (Psycho Goreman, V/H/S/94)
Starring - Adam Brooks (The Editor, Dark Harvest), Matthew Kennedy (Manborg, Father's Day), and Conor Sweeney (Divorced Dad, Another WolfCop)
Release Date - 2024
Genre - Comedy/Fantasy
Tagline - "It's time to get freako!"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I found myself obsessed with the film collective Astron-6 when I start my career here at Horror Society.  When I was brought on I had just reviewed Father's Day on my blog and moved the review over.  It was then that I started looking more into them.  Not long after this I was able to track down a copy of Manborg and their short collection solidifying my love for the group.  Since then I've reviewed all their works aside from V/H/S/94 and that's because I was unaware they contributed to that anthology until now.  A few weeks back I received a press release from my friends over at Shout Studios for Steven Kostanski's Frankie Freako starring Adam Brooks, Matthew Kennedy, and Conor Sweeney.  While I didn't see the Astron-6 name used anywhere in the marketing for the film, I was still very familiar with those involved.  I reached out to Shout and they were kind enough to send over a screener link for me to check out.  I want to take a moment to thank Shout for allowing myself and Horror Society the opportunity to check it out!
     The film follows extreme square Conor (Sweeney) who finds himself home alone for the weekend while his beautiful (and sexually frustrated) wife is out of town.  He catches a late night ad for a party service and calls it.  He awakens the next morning to find his house trashed and three small creatures in his home.  As panic sets in, he tries to remove them and clean his house up before his wife arrives.  A prior job obligation derails this and once his gets his boss involved he finds himself fighting for his life as the three party animals refuse to leave.  Conor then learns that they live in an alternate dimension and use the phone lines to travel to Earth to party because their home world is ruled by an evil man.  Conor then vows to help them AND try to clean up the mess before his wife arrives back home.
     Frankie Freako follows in the same line as Psycho Goreman where it may have some adult language but could easily be family friendly.  The fact that they put out a film in the same  vein as Munchie, Norm the Gnome, Ghoulies, and other straight to video little creature films from the late 80s and early 90s really blows my mind.  Growing up I thought I was the only one renting these tapes from my local video store but I guess there was others out there like me.  Frankie Freako does one hell of a job capturing that look and feel while giving us an original story.  The acting is exactly what you would expect from a film starring these three.  While Matthew Kennedy is only here in voice only, you still get the fun performances from him along with Brooks and Sweeney.  They deliver that campy performances they are known for while keeping the tone of the film intact.  The supporting cast is solid as well but it's these three that make these films so much fun.  The story for this one is simple, straight to the point, and could have easily been a direct to video 90s movie.  A man calls one of those late night hotline ads that littered the commercial breaks of so many channels and finds his home overrun by little party animals with varying personalities that use the phone line to travel dimensions.  This is some straight Terror Vision/ Andy Colby's Incredibly Awesome Adventure type shit with puppets.  It's absolutely brilliant and a true love letter to the video store age.  The pacing is great, the humor almost always finds it's mark, and just when you think it's over it hits you with the amazing last act that you don't see coming.  Finally, the film is full of puppet mayhem.  I loved the distinct look of each puppet and the massive monster at the end.  My biggest complaint is the lack of gore in this one.  We do get some blood, and as I stated before, we have amazing puppets, but some gore would have went a long way with this one.  Overall, Frankie Freako is another fantastic release from Steven Kostanski.  Like usual, it's a throwback to a trend from our childhood and this trip is just as fun as the other.  I highly recommend checking this one out when you have the chance.  

Friday, October 4, 2024

Death Streamer

Director - Charles Band (The Alchemist, The Dungeonmaster)
Starring - Emma Massalone (Yellowstone, Female Friendly), Kaitlin Moore (America's Most Wanted, Something's in the Air), and Aaron McDaniel (Murder of God's Banker, A Crime to Remember)
Release Date - 2024
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Log on.  Bleed out"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I've been a fan of Full Moon Features for decades now and I will be the first to admit that some of their more recent titles have lost the spark that made their films so enjoyable in the first place.  I might be one of the few people in the world that enjoy the Evil Bong franchise along with Weedjies and a few other films they've released. However, they have released just as many turds in recent years like Ooga Booga, Unlucky Charms, and several others.  I'm always open to their new release but I never know what to expect.  A few days ago I was sent a press release and screener link for the newest Charles Band directed film, Death Streamer.  I was going to hold off a week or so and include it in my October horror binge but I couldn't wait.  I had to see it now.
     The film follows three true crime podcasters who come across a live video of a man killing a beautiful young woman.  When they find a second live video of a beautiful young woman getting her throat ripped out, they start looking further into it in hopes of finding their next story.  However, the closer they get to the source of the video the deadlier it becomes when they learn that the person responsible is a vampire using smart glasses to record his feedings.
     Death Streamer isn't as fun as Full Moon's Subspecies but it's still a fantastic vampire film.  We don't get a lot of films from this sub-genre any more so it was great that Full Moon stepped away from their puppet flicks to give us something a bit different.  The acting in this one is great.  The characters in this one are so much fun.  They have so many great personalities and the cast did an amazing job bringing them to life.  I didn't care for the dialogue at times but the cast did a fantastic job with what they were given.  The story for this one is simple but works.  It has a modern twist on vampires using technology to gain fame while feeding.  Honestly, as campy as that is, I still liked that.  I also liked the true crime video/podcasters stumbling across the live videos and trying to dig into it for their next story.  It works but the dialogue could have been better.  They used it to tie up gapping plot holes and so on which didn't work.  It wasn't natural and felt awkward at times.  Finally, the film has lots and lots of blood.  While some of the visual effects were horrible, the practical effects were very well done.  I would have loved some decent gore but the buckets of blood we do get is very enjoyable.  Overall, Death Streamer may not be an instant classic from Full Moon but it's still a damn fine vampire film.  I highly recommend checking it out when it's available.  

Fata Morgana

Director - Vincente Aranda (The Blood Splattered Bride, If They Tell You I Fell)
Starring - Teresa Gimpera (The Tunnel, The Long Winter), Marianne Benet (The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes, Out of the Unknown), and Marcos Marti (BiBiCi Story, Sol de Verano)
Release Date - 1966
Genre - Drama/Thriller
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I absolutely adore all the boutique labels that are currently releasing films on blu and UHD, especially if they are working on titles that not a lot of us have seen before.  While I love the films, I'm tired of double and triple dipping on the same titles like Night of the Living Dead, Evil Dead, and so on.  Mondo Macabro is one of the few boutique labels right now that is constantly releasing obscure and not so well known titles on blu for the first time ever.  Not too long ago they released the 1966 Spanish drama/thriller Left-Handed Fate under it's alternate title Fata Morgana.  I was lucky enough to get a copy for review and I would like to thank my friends over at MM for sending this one my way!
     The film follows a famous model who longs for a man she can never have and a professor who is infatuated with serial killers are tossed in the mix when a real serial killer targets the model.
     I went into Fata Morgana with an open mind and very curious as to how this one would play out.  Sadly, it was one that I struggled to finish.  I really did give this one a chance but it wasn't for me.  The acting for this one is solid by the entire cast.  There was a few scenes that was a bit awkward but I would only assume it was due to the language barrier.  The story for this one had some interesting ideas but it failed to pull them all together into a coherent and solidly paced film.  A professor studying serial killers helping a model who is being hunted by a serial killer should be everything a horror and true crime fan would love.  However, the editing and pacing made the film extremely dull and difficult to follow.  Some serious editing would have made this one so much more enjoyable.  Finally, those looking for some blood and guts will be very disappointed.  However, if a slow paced drama is more your speed then you are in luck.  Overall, Fata Morgana is one that I seriously wanted to like but I couldn't bring myself to enjoying any aspect of the film.  This one was not for me.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Director - Brad Twigg (Killer Campout, WrestleMassacre)
Starring - Rosaria Eraso (Shriekshow, Killer Campout Part II), Justin P, Martin (10/31 Part 3, The Mountaineer), and Jessa Flux (Phobophobia, The Legend of Crick Foot)
Release Date - 2024
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Tagline - "Crack kills"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     Cocaine Bear is easily one of the biggest trend setters in recent memory.  The film was a surprise hit and one that I enjoyed on several occasions.  Once news broke on the film it spawned several films following similar stories.  I'll be completely honest with you, I'm here for it.  So far we've seen Cocaine Shark, Cocaine Werewolf, Cocaine Crabs from Outer Space, Methgator, Cocaine Roach, Cocaine Cougar, and I just received word last week that a comic/graphic novel called Cokeadile will be hitting Kickstarter next month.  One of these drug-fueled killer animal films that I've been extremely excited to see is Brad Twigg's Crackcoon.  Twigg has directed some of my favorite indie productions and I knew this one would be no exception.  A few days back Brad reached out to me to review Crackcoon and I quickly said yes.  Once again, I want to thank Brad for sending this one my way.
     The film follows a group of twenty-somethings who venture out into the woods for a little drinking, drugging, and fornicating.  However, things take a bleak turn when their plug is forced to toss a bag of orange crack into the woods when the local authorities pull them over.  Before they can retrieve their stash a raccoon gets into it turning him into an evil crackcoon with an appetite for human flesh.
     I know it seems like a lot but each of these films bring their own brand of humor and absurdity.  Crackcoon has all the trademarks of a Fuzzy Monkey film.  We have beautiful women baring it all, lots of blood and gore, and plenty of humor.  I'd have to seriously reflect after binging the previous releases but I think this may be my favorite Fuzzy Monkey film to date.  The acting in this one is a bit uneven but very enjoyable for the most part.  There was a few scenes that was dialogue heavy and it felt a bit forced but it didn't take away from the overall film.  This one features three of my favorite indie horror starlets in the game right now.  We see Jessa Flux, Angel Nichole Bradford, and Morrigan Thompson do what they do best.  They are amazing scream queens who are not afraid to bare it all.  You have my full attention if you cast just one of these lovely ladies so seeing all three in one film was a dream come true.  The story for this one is exactly as you would expect and that is why it's so much fun.  The movie doesn't try to do anything but entertain which it does very well.  We follow a cracked out raccoon as he makes his way through the woods murdering gay drug dealers, adulterous women, hunters, and campers.  It's predictable but that is what makes it's so much fun.  It's violent, sleazy, and extremely funny. Finally, the film has a hilarious looking raccoon puppet that is a highlight of the film.  We also get a lot of make-up effects and some solid looking gore.  While I would have loved more gore, I'm very happy with the effects that we do get.  Overall, Crackcoon is everything I wanted in a film about a cracked out raccoon.  It's so much fun and easily one of my favorite indie releases of the year.  I highly recommend this absurd slice of sleazy pie.  Check it out.  


Director - James L. Edwards (Brimstone Incorporated, Her Name Was Christa)
Starring - James L. Edwards, Sasha Graham (Screamwalkers, Side Effects May Vary), and Drew Fortier (Frames of Fear 3, Back Again)
Release Date - 2024
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I don't know if I'm becoming more and more open to shitty movies or the last few years has seen a rise in fantastic genre titles.  I remember back at the beginning of my career where it seemed like I was writing more negative reviews than I was positive.  However, it seems like it's the opposite.  Either I've become less critical at my old age or genre films are getting better and better because 2024 has been one hell of a year for horror.  I've been seriously impressed by the films I've reviewed and this one is no exception.  A few days back director and actor James L. Edwards reached out to me to review his newest film Trivial.  His career is legendary so it was a no brainer that I would check it out.  I want to take a moment to thank James for sending this one over for review.
     The film follows a female game show host who abducts men to participate on her show Trivial where they answer questions and if you get three incorrect you are murdered for views.  At first it seems she is picking men with questionable pasts and no moral restraint but after each contestant is revealed we slowly learn her real motives.  
     I went into Trivial knowing the basic idea behind it but I was not expecting the story to be as intricate as it was.  I watch a lot of the older game shows on Buzzr at night.  I honestly don't care for the shows but I love when they include the retro commercials.  While I'm watching these as I drift off to sleep I often wonder why we don't have more gameshow centered horror titles.  I know we have a few but the possibilities for game show horror flicks is almost endless.  There is a lot of passion and creativity that went into Trivial and it shows.  The acting in this one is very well done.  The characters are all very lively with a lot of personality that the cast does a fantastic job at bringing to life.  With that being said, the star of the show is Sasha Graham who makes the film so damn enjoyable.  She's a stunning actress who has some serious skill in front of the camera.  The film would not be as entertaining if someone else took over this role.  The story for this one is so fucking simple yet the way it was done was absolutely brilliant.  The film makes you believe that each "contestant" is chosen at random but during the final act you realize why each one was apart of the show.  It's not predictable at all and the pay off is well worth it.  The film has fantastic pacing as well so the viewer never loses patience.  Finally, the film has so much blood and some great looking make-up effects.  It's not that gory but it's nice seeing a film embrace blood like this one does.  On the other side of the same coin, we do get some pretty bad visual effects that did not feel the look of the film.  Overall, Trivial is not going to be everyone's cup of tea.  However, if you don't have a stick up or ass or a horror hipster then you may enjoy yourself if you are open to it.  I highly recommend checking this one out.  It's a lot of fun.