Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Butt Boy

Director - Tyler Cornack (Jonah, The Pocketeers)
Starring - Tyler Rice (American Backwoods: Slew Hampshire, Tiny Cinema), Tyler Cornack, and Shelby Dash (Bamboo Shark, My Dating Life Sucks)
Release Date - 2019
Genre - Comedy/Thriller
Tagline - "Assume the position"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     This has been an extremely frustrating and depressing year.  I can't recall any other year that I was alive that has seen so many major changes take place.  Some, like the Black Lives Matter movement, are changes for the better but others have brought out the bad side of people.  Regardless, 2020 is a year for the record books.  This year has saw some pretty inventive movies get released as well.  A few weeks back I got the press release for the comedy thriller Butt Boy.  You know damn well that I had to see a movie titled Butt Boy so I reached out to Epic Pictures and they were kind enough to send me a review copy on blu.
     The film follows an alcohol abusing detective who is assigned a missing kid case.  However, his AA mentor becomes the prime suspect in the case and he suspects that he is hiding the kid up his ass.
     I didn't want to ruin my movie experience by watching the trailer beforehand but my mind raced with possibilities.  What the fuck was I about to get myself into and was it going to be as good as the title.  The answer is simple...no it's not.  It's still an enjoyable flick but it's nowhere near as awesome as the title.  The acting in this one is pretty damn good.  Tyler Rice and Tyler Cornack are fantastic together.  They both perfectly embody the character they are portraying to the point I find it difficult that they are actually acting and not the character themselves.  Rice is a fantastic seedy cop with a passion for justice.  He looks boozy but still has his head on straight.  Cornack is that typical 9 to 5'er that reeks of suburban life.   They did a fantastic job and they work so well together.  The supporting cast is just as solid.  The story for this one is fun but does have some hang ups.  I was so excited to check this one out but after 15 or 20 minutes I was ready to type up my negative review.  The film was painfully dull but once we hit the halfway mark the movie changed gears.  It became way more entertaining.  What we get is a story that is very inconsistent and takes sometime to gain some traction.  Finally, the film is not a violent one.  We do get one death scene as the film comes to a close with some blood but those of you looking for a gory mess of a film will be disappointed.  Overall, Butt Boy does not live up to the title.  It's funny and has it's moments but this is oddly uneven and doesn't make use of the extraordinary story that it conjured up.  It still deserves a watch but don't expect a life changing experience.  

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