Sunday, September 24, 2023

Erecting a Monster 2: Bride of the Monster

Director - Jon Devlin (The Missing Left Sock, Pestilence in Silence)
Starring - Jon Devlin, Steve Johnson (Atlanta Zombie Apocalypse, The Gorda), and Angelica Lee
Release Date - 2023
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Tagline - "Prepare for the second cuming"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     When it comes to horror I tend to prefer the non-traditional films. I grew up on the films of Troma and movies like Brain Donors, Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure, Night of the Lepus, and so on. I have a strange and unusual taste in film and I’m always on the hunt for more odd horror films to watch and review. A few years ago actor and director Jon Devlin hit me up with a film that he not only directed but starred in. The film, Erecting a Monster, is an unforgettable horror comedy about male enhancement gone wrong. This is the kind of movie that I absolutely live for. I knew other genre fans enjoyed it as well but I didn’t realize the film had the following that it did until I posted about it on social media. Indie genre fans loved this short so it was only a matter of time before Devlin announced the sequel Erecting a Monster 2: Bride of the Monster. He reached out to me sometime back and asked if I wanted to review it. Of course I did so he sent over a copy for me to check out. I want to thank Jon for sending this one over for me to see! 
      The film picks up after the events of the first film where Victor (Devlin) has to stop his possessed penis before more people die thanks to his prick.
      When you toss in a film like Erecting a Monster 2: Bride of the Monster you don’t expect to find a heartwarming story or performances that brings the viewers to tears. However, you expect a lot of crude humor that only the Beavis and Butthead generation can appreciate and lots of blood. This film is great continuation of the first but I’m still disappointed that we don’t have a feature length film with this absurd story. The acting in this one is solid. Devlin is great behind the camera but he’s a natural in front of the camera. He delivers a great performance with the rest of his co-stars. The cast is small but no one is a weak link. They all work very well together and the character are very well written even though it’s a short. The story for this one is very enjoyable but could be so much more. I know there is a lot to making a movie and you need more than just an idea to make it happen. It’s a lot of hard work, dedication, patience, and money. I truly understand that but I hate how awesome this story is and how we are only given shorts. I think this particular story has the potential to spawn a seriously gory and strange feature length film. With that being said, the short is a lot of fun but it doesn’t have a lot of meat on the bone so to speak. Finally, the film has some blood and simple prosthetics but the effects are a representation of the film’s budget. I enjoyed them but I know with the skill this film has behind the camera that they could have killed it if they had the budget. Overall, Erecting a Monster 2 is another fantastic short from filmmaker Jon Devlin. I seriously hope we get another film in this saga or he is able to pool some resources to make a feature. Regardless, everyone needs to see this one!

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