Thursday, August 8, 2024

Let Me Go

Director - Richard Russell (Jacob's Little Helper, A Family Matter)
Starring - Haley Lynn Rose (The Company We Keep, Trinket Box), Julie Carney (Friends Forever, The Dinner Party), and Devin Tyler 
Release Date - 2024
Genre - Thriller
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I've spent most of my life obsessed with cinema.  I started my movie journey watching sci-fi flicks with my grandmother until she introduced me to Tom Savini's 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead.  It was then that I was bit by the horror bug.  Since then I've spent almost all my time watching horror, thrillers, and paranormal documentaries. I always get excited when I'm asked to review a new film I had never seen before.  It's even more exciting when the film is by someone who has a love for the genre that I do.  Sometime back director Richard Russell asked me to check out his newest short  Let Me Go.  He has seriously impressed me over the years and I couldn't wait to check it out.  I want to thank Richard for sending this one over!
     The film follows a young woman who has just ended an abusive relationship.  She gets an Airbnb to collect herself before moving on with her life when she is visited by her mother along with the ghosts of her past.
     I love going into Richard's shorts completely blind.  I never watch the trailers or read the synopsis beforehand so I don't ruin the experience.  Let Me Go is another hit from a powerful filmmaker that is just now beginning blooming career.  The acting in this one is great.  The cast is extremely small but everyone works very well together.  The characters are written very well for the short and the cast does a phenomenal job bringing them all to life.  The story for this one is an emotional punch that I was not expecting.  While I could spend all day sitting here talking about it, I will refrain so I don't spoil what little story this short does have.  Finally, this short focuses more on the emotional side of the genre instead of the blood and gore.  While it does succeed at drawing the viewer in, it doesn't deliver on the blood and gore many of you sick fucks are looking for.  Overall, Let Me Go is another fantastic short from one hell of a filmmaker.  This one will leave the viewer feeling empty inside.  I highly recommend checking it out.  

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