Saturday, August 11, 2012

Werewolves on Wheels

Director - Michael Levesque (Sweet Sugar)
Starring - Stephen Oliver (Motopsycho), D.J. Anderson (Count Yorga, Vampire), and Gene Shane (The Velvet Vampire)
Release Date - 1971
Genre - Exploitation/Horror
Tagline - "This gang thought it was tough...til' it found a new type of hell...The bride of Satan!"

Rating (out of 5):

     Who wouldn't like a movie about werewolves on motorcycles?  Hell, if you think that's stupid then you need to go back to Bosnia and get the hell off my blog.  I had never heard of this little gem of a film until sometime last year while browsing random hyperlinks on wiki.  This movie was supposed to be the first ever to feature filmed footage of "reality" for entertainment.  The opening sequence uses actual bikers performing different stunts.  The only bad thing is the title is severely misleading.  
     The film follows the exploits of an outlaw biker gang known as The Devil's Advocates.  They are just your typical biker gang going about their day doing a little drugs, drinking a little drink, and doing the dirty with some loose ladies.  Yea, living the life some may say.  Well the gang decided it was time to party near a church but the idiots choose the wrong church to party at.  This random church just happens to be a satanic church.  The monks make an offering to the bikers of bread and wine.  However, the monks had drugged the bread and wine.  Once they're passed out, the monk takes the gang leader's ol' lady back to the church and perform a ceremony with her.  Once the leader wakes up, he gathers his fellow Advocates and head in the the church for an all out brawl with the monks.  Once he has gathered his nude lady the group head off to begin another fine day of drinking, drugging, and love making.  However, that night one of the bikers dies.  The following morning the gang decide to keep on traveling and partying.  That night another member dies.  Eventually the gang finds out that the ol' lady had been cursed by Satan and is now a werewolf.  
     The movie was good but at the same time it was a let down.  I had the impression that the entire biker gang was bloodthirsty werewolves.  In my mind they would ride around in the day doing biker shit and at night transform into bad ass werewolves in biker gear and cruise around eating people.  But I'm allowed to be wrong...right?  The film focuses more on the biker way of life which is fine with me I just wished I had knew that before hand and prepared myself mentally.  Why couldn't the movie be called Bikers with a Werewolf Bitch Eating them at Night?  Then I would know what I was about to see.  For a movie it was a pretty damn good one.  It reminded me of a good mixture of The Devil Rides Out and Easy Rider.  This one is definitely worth a shot but just remember its not a movie about a biker gang of werewolves.  

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