Thursday, September 24, 2020

Pet Sematary Two: Revisited

Director - Mary Lambert (Pet Sematary, Tales from the Crypt)
Starring - Edward Furlong (Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Detroit Rock City), Anthony Edwards (Revenge of the Nerds, Zodiac), and Clancy Brown (SpongeBob SquarePants, Starship Troopers)
Release Date - 1992
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Raise some hell"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     Many, many years ago I decided to start a blog to review movies in my spare time.  This was before I was invited to Horror Society so I would review random movies just for the hell of it.  It was around this time that I decided to review Pet Sematary Two as I was nearing Halloween.  It's a movie that, in my opinion, is just a little better than the first one.  Sometime back Scream Factory released the film on blu and sent it my way.  I debated on revisiting this one for a review but after watching the first one for review it only made sense to give this one another watch.  Thanks Scream for sending this one over!
   The film follows Jeff Matthews (Furlong) who recently lost his mother. She was an actress and was accidentally electrocuted while filming her newest film. Jeff and his father moves back to their hometown where Jeff befriends the sheriffs pudgy stepson while his father sets up shop as the town vet. The sheriff breeds rabbits and one night his pudgy stepson's dog gets into one of the cages and he shoots the dog. Cue the Indian burial ground from the first film. They take the dog to the Indian burial ground and the dog comes back to life to kill the sheriff. The two kids freak out and take the sheriff back to the Indian burial ground and bury him. Later he returns and kills his wife, stepson, and local bully before digging up Jeff's mother and unleashing hell on Jeff and his father.
     Pet Sematary is a great film but I personally like the sequel just a little bit more. The film has more atmosphere and tension than the original creating an all around dark presence. I am in no way saying that the original does not have atmosphere and tension because it does. This movie just seems a lot more darker and moody which truly adds to the horror. The movie is also able to ride the events from the first film to only enhance the viewing experience. Very few sequels are able to pull that off. The acting in this one is great and on the same level as the original. Sadly, I am not a fan of Furlong even though he has been in many movies I thoroughly enjoy. There is just something about him I don't really care about. The rest of the cast does a great job especially Brown. He is very menacing and creates a brooding presence in every scene he is in. The story is more or less the same as the original except a lot darker and the family ties are severed straight from the beginning creating a darker tone making the characters seem alone during the entire ordeal. I personally like this variation of the story a little more but it would have been so much better if Fred Gwynne was in it. Finally, the special effects in this one is amazing. I love how the re-animated look in this one compared to the first one. Each time I watch it I am in utter awe.  The on screen death are creative and fun for the most part.  A few of them are unoriginal but the other side of the coin shows some fun death scenes.  Overall, Pet Sematary Two is a better film than the first one in my opinion.  The characters are far more enjoyable and the darker atmosphere really brings the story to life.  Honestly, this is a movie for what I like to call the Fangoria generation and the effects are great.  The blu is an improvement over the DVD release and look absolutely great.  I would recommend picking it up and adding it to your collection.  

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