Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Dead Zone

Director - David Cronenberg (Videodrome, The Fly)
Starring - Christopher Walken (The Prophecy, Sleepy Hollow), Brooke Adams (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Stuff), and Tom Skerritt (Alien, Contact)
Release Date - 1983
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "He can see the future.  But can he escape it?"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I grew up reading Stephen King and watching his film adaptations.  His movies, like Maximum Overdrive and Pet Sematary, were movies I often watched growing up years before I was a horror fan.  Several weeks ago I was sent the Stephen King blu set that featured Pet Sematary, Pet Sematary (2019), The Stand, Silver Bullet, and 1983's The Dead Zone.  I had seen everything in this set prior to getting it to review except The Dead Zone.  I had heard great things about it over the years but I had never seen it before.  I did watch the show when I was in high school but I knew it would be nothing like the original film.  Once I got the set in for review I knew exactly which film I would be starting with.
     The film follows Johnny Smith (Walken) who falls into a coma after suffering an automobile accident.  He awakens five years later.  His body has deteriorated over those long 5 years but he is slowly getting his strength back but he also discovers that he gets a second sight from touching people and objects.  He is able to save several people from catastrophes but when he shakes the hand of a local politician he sees that he will be the cause of suffering in the future.  He takes it upon himself to rid the world of this evil.  
      I hate when I hear people praise a movie for years, even decades, and I never take the time to watch it only to find out for myself that the movie is damn near perfect.  I knew The Dead Zone would be amazing.  A film directed by David Cronenberg and starring Christopher Walken couldn't be bad but I wasn't expecting it to be as much fun as it was.  The acting in this one is absolutely perfect.  Walken, Adams, Skerritt, and so on were perfectly cast for the film.  Walken is a pop culture icon for hos now famous mannerisms and tone but in The Dead Zone he showcases his fantastic acting.  His character carries the film and he does an amazing job.  The supporting cast is just as entertaining but Walken is the center of attention.  The story for this one is a great mesh of sci-fi para-science and horror.  The psychic helping the police and others find a serial killer and using his powers to stop the mass suffering is a pretty entertaining and clever spin on the genre.  Sure, it's not that original by the 80s but King's writing style makes it fun.    The movie does slow down at times but the character and story keeps the viewer following along.  Finally, this is not a bloody flick.  We do get a little blood but the film itself is more focused on the characters and the story instead of the blood.  The practical effects we get work for what they are but gorehounds will be disappointed.  Overall, The Dead Zone Is an absolutely amazing sci-fi/horror mashup that really works.  I fucking loved the story and the acting is top notch.  This blu release is a crystal clear transfer but far from the best I've seen.  If you have never seen this film I would highly suggest checking it out.  

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