Saturday, July 31, 2021

Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker! (Revisited)

Director - Chris Seaver (The Weirdsies, Evil Night)
Starring - Missy Donatuti, Chris Seaver, and Mike Nicolai 
Release Date - 2001
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     Several years ago, almost a decade ago now, I was collecting as many Brentwood DVD sets as I could find.  I loved these no budget S.O.V. horror sets and was spending entire pay checks on them for my collection.  One of the sets I snagged was called Ghoul School and it featured two Chris Seaver films.  I can't remember which one I watched first but Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker! and Filthy McNasty was my introduction to the world of Seavage.  I remember Filthy McNasty really impressed me but Mulva was a bit of a let down.  Fast forward almost a decade later and Tempe Digital and Makeflix has released 13 of Seaver's films on blu in an amazing box set.  I needed this for my collection so I was quick to nab one.  As soon as it arrived I tossed in Mulva for a revisit to see how it held up.
     The film follows Mulva (Donatuti).  Mulva is a sugar addict who is looking forward to Halloween.  This year she plans on embracing the holiday and getting as much candy as possible.  However, bullies and a horde of the undead stand in her way.  
     Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker! is not a great film.  It's crudely done and very cheap but it does have a charm about it that I never noticed during my first viewing.  Maybe my years of reviewing no budget films has changed my tastes in films but I did enjoy it in all it's flaws.  The acting is fun and typical of Seaver's style.  The cast is having a lot of fun on set and that translates very well on camera.  The cast does a fantastic job at creating memorable characters that stand out from other genre films.  The story for this one is a fun spin on a typical zombie flick.  It's more of a comedy with zombies dashed throughout.  It works, especially if you are familiar with Seaver's work, but if you are looking for a traditional horror flick then you will be disappointed.  We get a plethora of characters that stand out and work with the film but the story does lack some action.  The movie is an hour long and even at that length the story is stretched a little too thin.  It is predictable but it has some cheap and fun moments.  Finally, the film has some blood and cheap practical effects but as I stated earlier, the horror takes the backseat in the film.  Seaver did the best with what he had but he could only go so far.  Overall, Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker! is a cheap and crude film that has a lot of the humor that makes Low Budget Pictures so much fun.  It's not one that you can watch over and over again but it's fun for an occasional watch.  It's something I can appreciate.  

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