Monday, November 1, 2021

Biohazard 2: The Alien Force

Director - Steve Latshaw (Jack-O, Dark Universe)
Starring - John Alexander (Planet of the Apes, Hellboy II: The Golden Army), James L. Miles, and Dorothy Best (General Electric Theater, The Dukes of Hazzard)
Release Date - 1994
Genre - Horror/Sci-Fi
Tagline - "The end of the world has just been born"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     Earlier this year I started heavily collecting the Retromedia Entertainment releases from Makeflix when they would go up for pre-order.  A good portion of them were fun but a couple were a bit underwhelming.  Not too long ago Makeflix and Retromedia released the Steve Latshaw Collection titled Jack-O and his Friends.  Jack-O is a film I had seen several times over the years but I had never seen the other two films in the set.  For $20 it was worth it to see the other two films.  With Halloween tomorrow I decided to quickly watch the set so I would have time to watch Jack-O tomorrow.  The first film I visited was the sequel to Biohazard titled Biohazard 2: The Alien Force.  
     The film follows a pregnant woman who escaped a lab.  The child in her womb is  that of an alien, presumably from the first film, and that of a human.  She gives birth to the creature and it goes on a murderous rampage through the city.
     The premise for this one sounds like a lot of fun but the delivery is just all wrong.  I love a good straight to video horror sci-fi hybrid but this follow up struggled to find it's footing and a fun story was sent to the gutter.  The acting in this one is exactly what you would expect from an early 90s Retromedia release.  The scream queen era was on it's way out and most of the cast that had previously worked with Ray was going on to bigger budgeted films leaving this production to scrape up as many new comers and inexperienced cast members as possible.  The acting isn't what I would deem bad but the dialogue is forced and several scenes is very awkward to watch.  I hate being so negative but I've seen no budget horror movies with more dedicated casts.  The story for this one really has an interesting set up that I was all about but its clumsily, or lazily, Having an alien/human hybrid that is rapidly growing and feeding on humans is a fun story even though it does borrow from the classic Alien.  However, this story is just in passing as we follow the people looking for it as they jump through scene to scene trying to piece together a story around the shady organization responsible for it.  It's an half-assed attempt at a semi-complex story that fails to pull everything in together before the credits roll.  Finally, the film has a fun looking creature and some bloody kills but the kills don't stand out.  They are quick, cheap, and not rewarding.  I do like the look of the creature but that's the extent of it.  Overall, Biohazard 2 is a weak follow up that just couldn't pull itself together.  I like the idea behind the story but the execution is all wrong.  Skip it.  

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