Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Mexico Barbaro II

Director(s) - Diego Cohen (Honeymoon, Mark of the Devil), Christian Cueva (Voices, Vampiro), Ricardo Farias (Deliver, Vampiro), Michelle Garza Cervera (Abismal, The Original), Carlos Melendez (My Encounter with Evil, Clickbait), Lex Ortega (Atrocious, Mexico Barbaro), Abraham Sanchez (Devastcion, Sanguijuelas), Sergio Tello (T is for Tamales), and Fernando Urdapilleta (Consuelo, Atrapada)
Starring - Yeray Albelda (The Darkest Days of Us, Fear the Walking Dead), Alejandra Anaya, and Gabo Anguiano (Devil's Reflection, Control Z)
Release Date - 2017
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Nine tales of terror from south of the border"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

    I love having little movie marathons when I can. I know I'm not the fastest person to review a film and sometimes I will sit on a movie for weeks at a time before I can review it. This sometimes results in me having a couple releases from the same company that I need to check out. I recently found myself holding on to three different Unearthed Films' releases that I needed to review. After watching the wildly enjoyable Deadgirl, I tossed in the horror anthology Mexico Barbaro II. While I had never seen the first film, I was still very excited to check this one out. Like always, I want to thank MVD and Unearthed Films for sending this one over for review. 
      The film features 9 horror tales ranging from a solider meeting his end by a bullet only to come back as a vengeful demon, a family mutilating their abusive father, an addict taking her addiction too far, two young men wanting to make an adult film with two beautiful women who are hiding something, and more. 
      I went into Mexico Barbaro II hoping that the segments in this sequel did not connect to the ones from the first film where I had never seen it. Lucky for me, it looks like they are eight or nine original segments that call Mexico Barbaro II home are original stories or if they are sequels, they can be enjoyed without seeing the first film. Most of you know how much of an anthology fan I am, and Mexico Barbaro II did not disappoint. The acting in this one is a bit inconsistent. With nine different filmmakers contributing their own segment to the film bringing their own different styles, experience, and budgets it only makes sense that there would be inconsistencies. With that being said, there were no bad performances but some of the segments have more memorable performances than others. The same can be said for the stories in the film. I liked a good deal of the segments and found myself absolutely wanting more but I think that nine stories were just too many. Sure, removing some would have shortened the run time but an anthology doesn't need a damn near dozen stories to be enjoyable. Maybe set some aside for a third film and focus the remaining run time on a wraparound segment that tied everything together. My favorite part of an anthology is the wraparound segment and not having one is a huge disappointment. Finally, this film is extremely violent and full of fantastic make-up and gore effects. The practical effects look great, the blood is plenty, and these kills are very enjoyable. Overall, Mexico Barbaro II is a brutal anthology that crams in nine segments into it's feature length run time. While the segments are enjoyable, the lack of a story putting them all together does make it feel like a collection of shorts with no purpose. It's still a lot of fun and I highly recommend snagging the blu from Unearthed Films

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