Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Hike

Director(s) - Luke Walker (The Legend of Bloody Mary Tested, Haunted Graves) and Vinnie Vineyard (Wrestling with Ghosts, Camp Smokey)
Starring - Kandi Thompson (WJHC AM, Vinnie's Vantastic Rock N Roll Adventure), Vinnie Vineyard, and Luke Walker
Release Date - 2021
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Run from the forest.  Run!"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I absolutely love watching and reviewing indie horror flicks. It doesn't matter about the budget or experience. Hell, it doesn't matter if I like the film or not. I always have fun watching an indie production but sometimes I catch a movie that I just don't care for. Sometime back I was contacted by Vinnie Vinyard to review several of his films that are meant to explore the legends and lore of the Great Smokey Mountains. The first one on the chopping block was 2021's The Hike. I couldn't wait to dive into this one and I want to thank Vinnie for reaching out to me to check out his hard work! 
      The film follows a couple who plan on hiking for three days by themselves. However, this trip didn't go according to plan. They find a camera in some weeds with some horrifying images on it, an injured man, and hallucinations. Before long they find themselves confronted by three men who refuse to let them leave the mountain but that is only the beginning of their trip. 
      I was really excited when I hit play on The Hike. Many of you know that I have a soft spot for horror films centered in or around the woods. Slashers set against the backdrop of a summer camp, hixploitation, and any other form of horror or exploitation set in the woods has always caught my eye. The Hike looked like a movie that was made especially for me... but that wasn't the case. While I always enjoy watching indie horror films, I will had to admit that not all films are made for me. Some of them miss their mark and just don't do it for me. The Hike is one of those films. The acting in this one is solid but there is plenty of room for improvement. The cast is fairly small, and they interact with one another very well, but inexperience is evident. Several of the scenes are very awkward to watch and the dialogue is very forced. The story for this one is all over the place. The movie makes you think it's going to be steeped in Native American mythology and lore. It then switches gears and follows the three strangers stalking them through the woods reminiscent of Cannibal Campout with the hicks chasing the campers through the woods. Both ideas are very interesting but combining them and not giving each aspect the attention it deserves created a film that felt like it was lacking. They should have gone all in on one angle and gave it all they had instead of splitting it up like that. Finally, the film has some blood but if you are looking for some memorable deaths and amazing gore then you will be out of luck. The film's run time is mostly people walking around the woods acting lost or scared. Overall, The Hike tries to deliver on a pretty ambitious story but fails to pull all the parts together. The movie has an interesting story that has what feels like two different ideas clashing for screen time. I want to like it but it was a difficult one to finish. Skip it.

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