Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Flowers (2015)

Flowers (2015)
directed by:  Phil Stevens
starring:  Colette Kenny Mckenna, Krystle Fitch, Anastasia Blue,Tanya Erin Paoli, Kara A. Christiansen, Makaria Tsapatoris, Bryant W. Lohr Sr.   

(out of 5)

The Movie:  Completely surreal world of sloppy gore literally dripping from the walls.  Beautiful women who are, ghosts, dead, alive?  A slob of a man following the orders of the men in his head?  This movie had me rewinding over and over...and that was a good thing.  We begin with a female victim "Flower #1" exiting a trash bag in the basement crawlspace of the man's home.  It's as if she was being born again through the nasty pile of rotting bodies as she squirmed her way fingers first out of the bag.  Crawling on her stomach through the nastiness all around her.  And then through the labyrinth of crawlspace tunnels beneath the house.  More guts and blood spilling from the sewage pipes all around her.  She sees another victim being murdered.  She finds a hole in the floor of the basement.  More Flowers appear.  More gore.  The sounds and background music were frightening combined with the visuals.  This movie is not for straight-forward watchers who have no clue how to enjoy the more artsy side of even such an extreme gore style film.  Powerfully gritty. 
The Gore:  Awesome.  100% realistic.  All over the place!  I have nothing else to say there.  Kudos to Krystle Fitch and  Anastasia Blue who are credited for the special effects.
The Acting:  All on point from being a dead body to screaming to being confused victims in some sort of demented funhouse.
The Script:  Pretty non-existent the movie depends on the visuals and sounds.  Awesome.
The Rating:  Pretty much never seen anything like it out of the thousands of horror films I own.  5 Bloody Handprints nuff said.  Bravo Mr. Stevens.  I love extreme cinema but hate the non-sense a lot of these filmmakers or so-called filmmakers throw out because so much of it is just to be gross and offend people which is about as ignorant and childish as you can be.  Use your dark gifts to create art not an offense.  Anywho this movie is a prime example of true extreme cinematic art at it's very finest.  Thank you fellow reviewer Harry Collins for providing me with the help of a couple of these pics.  

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