Wednesday, July 17, 2019

[Rec] 3: Genesis

Director - Paco Plaza (Veronica, A Christmas Tale)
Starring - Leticia Dolera (The Nightmare Worlds of H.G. Wells, Penny Dreadful), Diego Martin (The Ministry of Time, Empowered), and Ismael Martinez (The Day of the Beast, The Ministry of Time)
Release Date - 2012
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "You may now kiss the bride..."
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):
     The first [Rec] made me think this was going to be a series that I didn't care for but the second film really helped me overcome the worry that I had for the series.  The first film was extremely difficult to sit through.  It was boring but the last 15 minutes or so of the film did spark my interest somewhat.  The follow up film took what I liked from the ending of the first and expanded on it which held my interests very well.  After getting through the first two films I was finally able to watch the two I was the most excited for.  I couldn't wait to see 3 and 4 and now it was time to see if they were as good as they looked!
     The film follows Clara and Koldo on their wedding day.  They hire a film crew to document their special day.  As the memorable day starts out with love and fun it quickly turns dark when a relative, who was bitten earlier by a stranger, attacks a loved one.  Soon others infected crash the party and the bride and groom is separated after being forced to flee.  The two refuse to become widow and widower on their wedding day and leave their refuge to find each other while fighting their way through waves of infect while the church property is being quarantined to prevent the spread of the virus. 
      Before I received this box set from Scream Factory I actually had no desire to see the first two [Rec] films.  I'm not a fan of found footage flicks but I really wanted to see the third and fourth film.  I was very impressed with the sequel but [Rec] 3: Genesis was the one I really wanted to watch and I'm glad I watched these in order.  The acting in this one is a little better than the previous films.  The characters have a little more personality and the cast is given something to work with.  The characters are a little clichéd but their outgoing personalities more than makes up for it.  The cast does a great job.  The story for this one does not have anything to do with the first two films but does use the same premise.  We follow a wedding party who becomes ground zero for an outbreak of demon possessed that is hell bent on killing and eating everyone they can.  The movie abandons the found footage style about 20 minutes in or so which was very refreshing for those of you out there that don't care for it.  The first 20 minutes or so are rather boring as we are establishing the setting of the film and the character but once the shit hits the fan the films turns into an extremely fast paced horror film with plenty of action.  Finally, those of you that want gore will finally find it with this installment.  We get so many amazing on screen kills as it turns up the kill count.  The effects we get are fantastic.  We mostly get practical effects but the visual effects we do get are minimal and not that bad.  They actually help the gag rather than distract.  Overall, [Rec] 3: Genesis is my favorite in the series so far.  It is leagues better than the first film and so much more brutal.  It does have some goofy moments but those only added to the film.  If you don't like the first film in the series I highly suggest you sit through the first two because this film was worth the torture of the first one.  

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