Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Hubie Halloween

Director - Steven Brill (Little Nicky, Heavyweights)
Starring - Adam Sandler (Hotel Transylvania, The Ridiculous 6), Kevin James (Pall Blart: Mall Cop, Zookeeper), and Julie Bowen (Happy Gilmore, Children's Hospital)
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Comedy
Tagline - "Fear.  Less."
Format - Streaming (Netflix)

Rating (out of 5):

     I've started to gain a reputation for liking bad movies but I completely disagree with the people that claim this.  I don't like bad movies but I do like movies that are fun.  Just because they dislike the film doesn't mean that the movie was bad.  They are just too high on their own farts to see the movie for what it is.  I embrace the weird, odd, and strange but stupid humor still finds it's way into my heart.  Most people like to shit on Adam Sandler but his recent films for Netflix are extremely funny and highly entertaining.  Hell, his Ridiculous 6 is probably my favorite comedy of recent years.  So when I heard that Sandler has partnered with Little Nicky director to bring us a Halloween tale I was all for it.  I wasn't able to watch Hubie Halloween the day it premiered but as soon as I had the time I jumped on it.  
     The film follows small town joke and scaredy cat Hubie Dubois (Sandler) who takes Halloween seriously.  He's not much on the decorations or scaring people but wants kids and adults to be safe during the night.  However, his Halloween is unlike any other when those that pick on and torment him start to go missing.  Suspecting it's someone from the insane asylum that has escaped he soon uncovers that the culprit is someone much closer to him than he thought. 
      I wasn't expecting anything amazing with this but I wanted it to be so much more than what we got.  In fact, the movie had some very entertaining moments but was not as fun as I had hoped.  The acting in this one is my biggest disappiontment.  Sandler could have taken this performance any way but what he did.  Instead, he gives us another Waterboy performance.  His character, though does deliver a few laughs, is the weight that holds the film back.  The supporting cast is absolutely fantastic.  The characters are all so colorful and entertaining.  They work very well with the story and deliver more laughs than Sandler and his squandered performance.  The story for this one reminded me a lot of the Boo films starring Tyler Perry excenpt they are more focused on the Halloween aspect than the those films.  The Boo films are too focused about Madea instead of Halloween while Hubie is overflowing with the Halloween atmosphere.  The mystery angle does take the backseat in the story but enough attention is give to it randomly to remind the viewer about it.  Also, the characters are all very well written with some great backstories.  Finally, if you want blood and gore you will be sadly disappointed.  However, if you want a Halloween film that feels like a Halloween film then this one is for you.  Overall, Hubie Halloween has some seriously funny moments and really embodies that October/Halloween look that many of us love during this time of year but the movie doesn't reach it's potential due to Sandler's performance.  It still deserves a watch but I don't see myself throwing this one on again.  

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