Friday, October 9, 2020

Satan's Children

Director - Joe Wiezycki (Willy's Gone)
Starring - Stephen White (Gas!, Final Chapter: Walking Tall), Joyce Molloy, and Eldon Mecham 
Release Date - 1975
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Devil worshipping has changed them into...Satan's Children"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     When I picked up the Satanis: The Devil's Mass blu from AGFA it was because I was mostly interested in the bonus film in the set which is the 1975 Satanic cult horror film Satan's Children.  When I was in college I visited a shop that had a ton of horror memorabilia and the poster for the film was hanging on the wall.  I've always been curious about this flick but never found myself actually able to check it out.  When I saw that AGFA was putting this set out I had to pick it up and I did.  It was on my shelf for sometime but I decided that this October was the perfect month to finally give it a go.  
     The film follows teenage Bobby (White) who leaves his verbally abuse father and promiscuous step-sister.  His jounrey lands him in a diner where he meets another young man who takes him back to his place.  There he is beat and raped before left for dead on the side of the road.  A Satanic cult finds him and takes him back to their compound where they tend to his wounds.  The second in charge starts to like him but the leader of the cult suspects that he may be gay and they don't like homosexuals.
     I was so fucking excited to check this one out.  I've watched a few of the trailers for this one over the years which only driven my excitement.  Sadly, the movie was a bit of a mess and nowhere near as fun as I thought it was going to be.  In fact, aside from a few cool moments I found myself struggling to even finish it.  The acting in this one is pretty solid.  The cast really gets into their roles.  The cast is rather amatuerish but they really do try.  I really liked the characters and their performances were solid enough.  The story for this one is rather simple but is stretched very thin.  The Satanic cult portion mixing with the closeted gay is a bit of a contrasting view of the actual Satanic Temple but for movie purposes it worked.  It paints them as the monsters that society sees them as when in actuality they are more humanitarian that most religions.  With that being said, the movie is a bit of a slow burner with heavy dialogue scenes that stretches the film out but doesn't bring anything to the story.  Finally, the film has some blood but nothing spectacular or memorable.  In fact, a movie titled Satan's Childrens is not as bloody as you would expect.  Overall, Satan's Children was a movie I had waited years to see and was very let down by it.  It has potential but the movie as it is was a huge waste of time.  Skip it.  

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