Thursday, April 4, 2024

Cannibal Campout

Director(s) - Tom Fisher and Jon McBride (Among Us, Woodchipper Massacre)
Starring - Jon McBride, Amy Chludzinski and Christopher A. Granger
Release Date - 1988
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Friends don't let friends eat friends"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     I started taking my movie collecting seriously about ten years ago. I had always bought movies and took the time to organize them, but it wasn't until I was married that I started focusing on what I was adding to my collection. I would often spend a few hundred on Amazon getting DVDs for films I had never seen, which led me to Camp Motion Pictures and their S.O.V. releases. Under their Retro 80s series of releases, I was able to snag a bad ass DVD set made to look like a VHS big box along with a few other solo titles like Cannibal Campout. I love having it in my collection, but I never made the time to actually watch it. That changed when Terror Vision released the film on blu. While I love the Retro 80s release, I couldn't pass up the chance to upgrade to blu. Once it arrived, I had to make time to finally watch it. 
      The film follows two couples who head out camping in the woods. On their way to their campsite, they encounter some hostile locals but are able to get away from them...but not for long. These hillbillies are cannibals and just happen to come across their campsite. 
      Cannibal Campout is far from perfect but holy fuck was it a lot of fun. That is a bit of a bummer considering how long I've owned the DVD release but never took the time to watch it. Regardless, I'm glad I finally checked it out and the first time seeing it was this release from Terror Vision. The acting in this one was very well done. A lot of S.O.V. horror flicks that I've reviewed had performances that were forced and overdramatic at times. However, Cannibal Campout had a great cast and some memorable characters for them to bring to life. The story for this one is a pre-Wrong Turn backwoods cannibal slasher that would become even more popular in the 2000s. We follow a group of innocents who happen to be camping in a cannibal family's hunting grounds. It's nothing overly complicated but it works for a cheap horror flick. Finally, the film has some blood, fake body parts, and a lot of creativity. While the effects are not the best I had seen, they still work for the film and find their marks with the viewer. Overall, Cannibal Campout is a great no budget schlocky cannibal flick that fans of films like Dead Next Door and Skinned Alive will enjoy. Grab it on blu now from Terror Vision.

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