Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Toxic Avenger

Director(s) - Michael Herz (Waitress!, Stuck on You!) and Lloyd Kaufman (Troma's War, Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead)
Starring - Andree Maranda, Mitch Cohen (Chiller Cinema, Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko), and Jennifer Babtist (Alien Sex Phone Psycho, Class of Nuke 'Em High)
Release Date - 1984
Genre - Action/Horror/Comedy
Tagline - "The first superhuman-hero... from New Jersey"
Format - UHD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I find it funny how certain movies stick with you and can shape you in a way that you would never expect. When I was in high school, I watched Troma's The Toxic Avenger for the first time and immediately fell in love with it. Not only did this introduce me to the world of indie filmmaking and no budget cinema, but The Toxic Avenger instantly became one of my favorite films. I had seen the Toxic Crusaders as a child but had no idea it was based on a film. To date I can confidently say that I've seen the film well over 100 times and I love it so much that I have it forever tattooed on my arm. I've owned the film on DVD, VHS, and blu so when MVD and Troma announced the UHD release of the film I knew I had to review it. I want to thank MVD and Troma for sending over this release for me to check out. 
       The film follows the nerdy custodian Melvin who finds himself in the middle of a prank gone wrong when he falls from the upper floors of a fitness center and into a barrel of toxic waste. He is then transformed into a mutated fighter of crime. 
      The Toxic Avenger is one of the films that you absolutely love or hate. I've met people with Toxie tattoos as well along with extensive collections and signed memorabilia. I've also met people who have turned hating Toxie and Troma into their entire personality. However, I've never met someone that was on the middle ground, which really speaks volumes to the film. Sure, my review is a bit biased, but I'd be more impressed if someone has read this review and had never seen the film before. The acting in this one is fun with a lot of energy but you can tell who has no experience and who has just a little. It doesn't stop them for going all out in their roles but the dialogue is loud and awkward through most of the film. Don't get me wrong, this is part of the charm that the movie has but fans of big budget cinema and award-winning acting will truly be miserable during this one. The story for this one is so much fun and pretty ambitious for a small budget film. A scrawny nerd falling into toxic waste and becoming a mutated hero is clearly a parody of superhero movies, comics, and shows. What makes this one stand out from other films is the horror elements and shock value. Several scenes in this film could not be done today but that is why so many people love it. It pushed the boundaries of what was funny while delivering some blood and gore to potential renters that picked the movie at a video store. Finally, the film has a lot of practical and make-up effects that still draw viewers in after all these years. The scene when Melvin is transforming into Toxie looks so good, especially in 4K. The fight scenes with the random bloody moments fit the film but if you are focused too much on them then you will see the budget's limits. Overall, The Toxic Avenger is a cult classic that deserves this release. Fans of the film and collectors of UHD will want to add this one to their collection. It's a must own!

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