Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Director - Sebastien Godin (Lycanimator, Ouija Mummy)
Starring - Brinke Stevens (Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama, Savage Streets), Brett Kelly (She-Rex, Death Trike), Cayt Feinics (Her Name Was Christa, American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore)
Release Date - 2018
Genre - Horror/Sci-fi
Tagline - "Nice to eat you"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     I love the originality of indie horror movies.  It would be more beneficial for a filmmaker to tackle a film that they know would guarantee them money but indie directors rarely do that.  Right now paranormal found footage flicks are a dime a dozen but people fucking love them for some reason and so do some filmmakers because they take very little to make and yield some profits.  However, indie horror is full of filmmakers that are making the movies they want to watch and not what is trendy.  Sometime back I saw someone selling copies of Seb Godin's Slimoids on DVD while browsing social media.  I think it was a producer but I can't remember.  Either way I grabbed a copy to check out later when I could.  After checking out a few fun no budget horror flicks I decided it was the perfect time to toss it in and review.
     The film follows a mad scientists that uses an experimental serum to turn people into tiny creatures that she uses to kill those that get in her way.  After a string of murders a pair of detectives and the brother of a former scientist that is now dead begins their investigation and uncover her evil plans to kill all mankind and turn them into her little creatures that do her bidding.

      Thank god for filmmakers like Seb Godin.  A movie like Slimoids is a big risk but god damn did it work in this case.  The movie does show the film's budget but at the end of the day it was extremely fun.  The acting in this one was one of the low points of the film.  The cast is really dedicated to their roles but their lack of character development and on screen experience does make a few of the scenes feel awkward.  The story for this one is very entertaining if you like campy horror films that focuses more on entertaining rather than being extreme.  The movie gives the viewer some laughs, rather intentional or unintentional, while bringing in some little monster chaos.  I really enjoyed the mad scientists side of the story but I feel that the monsters were not used enough in the film.  They were really fun to watch but I would have loved more.  Finally, the film has several deaths but the highlight is the creatures.  I loved the way they looked.  The kills we do get are a little lackluster but the film is still able to hold your attention very well.  Overall, Slimoids is the type of indie horror film I love to watch.  Seb Godin delivers on the little monster mayhem that made renting movies on a Friday night so much fun when I was a kid.  Check this one out, it will not disappoint!

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