Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Terror Firmer (1999)

Terror Firmer (1999)
directed by:  Lloyd Kaufman
starring:  Lloyd Kaufman, Will Keenan, Trent Haaga, Alyce LaTourelle, Debbie Rochon, Sheri Wendan, Greg Siebel

(out of 5)

     I fucking love Troma films.  Terror Firmer is a great example.  Normally all the fart jokes, boner shots of big boobs everywhere, and ridiculous over acting annoys the piss out of me but I guess when it's done right, it's done right.  That being said I'm being very bland with my description because Terror Firmer really packs the punch with disgusting scenes of naked morbidly obese men running around getting run over by vehicles, funnels being shoved up asses, pickles doing God knows what in a raunchy sex scene, as well as some great over the top gory kills to boot.
     No one can produce the disgusting chaos of Terror Firmer like Lloyd Kaufman.  He plays the part of a blind independent film director who is shooting a film with people everywhere.  Toxie is in this, Sgt. Kabukiman, and one of my favorite Tromites Will Keenan who plays Casey.  Casey is frustrated with life and with his director but amidst all this frustration blossoms a romance with Jennifer played by Alyce LaTourelle.  To top things off there is a female serial killer wandering around murdering members of the crew including shoving the producer down inside an escalator. 
     Supposedly this film was inspired by Lloyd's own book All I Need To Know About Making Movies I Learned From the Toxic Avenger co-written by the great James Gunn another favorite filmmaker of mine.  The whole film is like a parody of independent movie making and just keeps me rolling every time I watch it.  Again I have no idea why I love Lloyd's films so much I am not a fan of stupid toilet humor and dumb boner shots everywhere but there are exceptions everywhere in life.  
      The acting well is all over the place of sorts.  I mean this is a Troma film and bad acting and over acting is required for many parts.  Kind of hard to judge but I'd take these guys over a lot of what I see in the pop movie world anyday.  Will Keenan is the best by far in this one, Lloyd always makes me laugh, and the two other greatly notable performances were Trent Haaga and Alyce LaTourelle.  Being in a Troma movie would be a barrel full of monkeys maybe literally.

      Last I have to say the gore and nasty effects in Terror Firmer for a Troma film were up to par and then some.  Gross, disgusting, over excessive blood spraying everywhere.  Just an awesome good time.  No it wasn't real looking, no it wasn't Tom Savini, but again this is Troma and for me Troma has their own set standards.  Lloyd is a genius at this.  You know a Troma movie just by the jokes, the acting, the characters, and well Lloyd. 

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