Thursday, November 5, 2020

Split Second

Director - Tony Maylam (Journal of a Contract Killer, The Burning)
Starring - Rutger Hauer (Hobo with a Shotgun, Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Kim Cattrall (Porky's, Big Trouble in Little China), and Alastair Duncan (Westworld, Mad Men)
Release Date - 1992
Genre - Horror/Sci-Fi
Tagline - "He'll need bigger guns"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     My October horror binge brought some much needed Halloween spirit to a month that has been rather drab the last few years.  Watching as many horror movies as I could within the month was exhausting but I had a lot of fun.  It was nice even watching the bad horror movies.  Sadly, binging that many horror flicks did come with a price.  Some movies sent to me in September for review were left sitting on the shelf until the month was over.  After I watched Mikey I decided it was the perfect time to follow that up with another MVD Rewind Collections release.  This time I went with another 1992 release in the horror sci-fi flick Split Second.  Thanks MVD for sending this one over!
     The film follows smart ass cop Harley Stone (Hauer) who is partnered with a rookie to find the man responsible for the death of his former partner.  The closer they get to the killer the more they uncover about it and how the monster responsible for a string of murders may not be human at all.
     Split Second is one of the movies that had been on my radar for sometime.  I remember seeing artwork and images for it pop up randomly in some of the horror forums I would often frequent.  However, I never had the chance to see it until MVD released it on blu and I couldn't wait to dive into it.  Sadly, I just didn't care for it.  I found myself bored out of my mind and really hating the characters.  The acting in this one is what you would expect from a late 90s Sy-Fy original and not a direct to video early 90s action flick.  The characters are very cliched and the cast over exaggerating their reactions to the situation unfolding around them creates a very awkward and unintentionally funny moments within the film that breaks the story up.  Hauer is almost typecast here giving viewers a character they had seen him portray several times before.  He's good at it so don't get me wrong but I feel a different approach here would have made the film feel different.  The supporting characters do solid enough jobs but any fan of cheap movies will know exactly what to expect here.  The story for this one has so much promise.  A monster killing people in a flooded London is overflowing with possibilities.  Sadly, the lack of interesting characters and entertaining death scenes makes this story feel a little underwhelming.  I found myself watching the clock more than I was watching the film.  Finally, the film doesn't shy away from the blood but the kills are very lackluster.  The effects are solid enough and the creature make-up is great but the film doesn't make good use of it.  It really wants you to know that the character of Harley Stone is a hard ass instead of delivering the goods horror fans love.  Overall, Split Second was a bit of a let down.  I could find some entertainment value if I had a few beers before hand but as is I can't rewatch it.  The blu quality looks well enough and the blu artwork is easily my top favorite of the year.  The Dude Designs really nailed it.  Collectors will want this but if you are looking for something fun for a first time watch I urge you to skip it.  

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