Sunday, August 22, 2021

Barf Bunny

Director - Jonathan Doe (Victims of the Surgeon's Scalpel, Carving the Cadaver Vol. 1)
Starring - Felicia Fisher (Green Hell, Fluid Fields) and Marcus Koch (Circus of the Dead, Die Die Delta Pi)
Release Date - 2021
Genre - Horror
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     Remember when I said sometime ago that I get some strange movies to review? I recently watched Horror Help 2: AI of the Dead and thought that would be the weirdest flick I've reviewed and would be so for some time.  However, that was quickly toppled by a short that was sent my way from filmmaker Jonathan Doe.  The film, Barf Bunny, features adult model and actress Felicia Fisher and a cameo from effects artist Marcus Koch.  The poster for the film was one of the best I had seen and I was very curious about the film so I agreed to check it out.  Thanks Jonathan for reaching out!\
     The film follows a beautiful young girl who has no table manners and an endless appetite.  However, she can only eat so much before she becomes too full resulting in her regurgitating her meal back up.  However, her horrible table manners attracts an evil rabbit who has an eye for bloodshed.  
     I was familiar with actress Felicia Fisher prior to Barf Bunny due to her work with Samhel.  However, I have to say that I was hoping this film would be more of a traditional horror film rather than the experimental arthouse fetish films that she is known for.  The poster really sold me on the film and I couldn't wait to check it out but the movie was exactly what I was afraid of.  The acting in this one is not done in a traditional sense.  We follow Fisher as she playfully eats her food before forcefully throwing it back up.  This goes on for most of the film before the death scene.  Can't really judge the acting in a film like this but she's cute so that should stand for something.  The story for this one blends fetish with shock value and neither really works for me.  The film could have been fun if it ran about 10 minutes or less but seeing that it was over thirty minutes made it extremely difficult to finish.  I have nothing against those in the horror community that like films that blend fetishism with extreme horror but the lack of story really turns me off.  Barf Bunny could have been something somewhat enjoyable if it wasn't stretched to the length that it was.  Hell, I only enjoyed the death scene and that was only in the film for around five minutes.  Finally, there is one death in the short but it's fucking worth it.  The practical effects are absolutely astounding and the only reason I would recommend this film.  The blood and effects blend together nicely to create something that really stands out.  Overall, Barf Bunny is the type of film that caters to fans of Vomit Gore and A Baroque House.  It's not going to be for everyone.  I didn't care for it but I also didn't understand.  It's not a bad film, its just not something I would throw in for myself.  

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