Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Victim No More

Director - Bob Heckman
Starring - Hans Paul Hendrickson (One Life to Give), Deana Naja (Phantom P.I.), and Joe Winchell (The Ghouligans! Mini Series, Caesar and Otto's Deadly X-Mas)
Release Date - 2022
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "They were warned... They were doomed.  But on this Friday the 13th the body count must end"
Format - Streaming (YouTube)

Rating (out of 5):

When I started writing reviews for exploitation and direct to video action flicks over a decade ago I had no idea what fan films were. However, once my love for horror took over and I found myself reviewing my beloved genre full time I soon learned that there was a community of fans that would use the resources at their disposal to create films of their favorite characters and stories. Fan films are a big part of the horror community on YouTube and over the years I’ve found myself pleasantly surprised by many of them. While a good deal of them are shit a few of them are surprisingly well done. A few weeks ago director Chris Seaver was sharing news about the documentary in which he was the subject of and how it was screening with the fan film Victim No More. I had recently watched the underwhelming Voorhees: Night of the Beast and wasn’t really in the mood for a fan film but I decided to get in the Halloween spirit and check it out. For those of you interested in this one you can find it for free on YouTube. 
      The film follows a young man who has several family members that are survivors of Jason Voorhee’s rampage. He decides to visit Camp Crystal Lake to not only show them that Jason is dead but to see the legendary camp where many lost their lives. However, he doesn’t expect to run into Jason himself and soon finds himself running for his life. 
      Victim No More was not what I was expecting and it’s one of the few Friday the 13th fan films that can match the original films step for step. The movie did have a similar story to other F13 fan films but it was still able to hit the right notes and entertain. The acting in this one is a little inconsistent but still very well done. The cast did the best with what they were given but some inexperience does show from scene to scene. The characters are not written that well but the cast is able to make it work. There is some awkward scenes but nothing that really takes away from the movie. The story for this one is just like several other fan films where we either follow a survivor or a relation to a survivor who decides to venture into the woods near Crystal Lake only to find Jason. This was also the plot for the other fan film I recently watched titled Voorhees: Night of the Beast. I wish a fan film would follow in the footsteps of Part VI: Jason Lives where we have people going to Forest Green which is the renamed Crystal Lake and they have no idea that the place was the home of Voorhees and the murders. With that aside, the film still walks and talks like a real F13 film. It does have some awkward dialogue but it’s nothing horrible. Finally, the film has some impressive death scenes with some solid practical effects. The deaths are straight out of the F13 franchise and works so well with the film. Overall, Victim No More may not share the Friday the 13th title but it’s one of the better fan films I’ve seen. It really does feel like a F13 film. I highly recommend checking this one out.

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