Friday, February 19, 2016

Mrparka Review's "Criminal Lovers" (1999)

                                                        By Dave Parker
Criminal Lovers follows the story of just that, a pair of lovers who commit an awful murder. At first the murder seems to be a possible heat of the moment inspired act. As the film progresses, the two try to get rid of the body making awful mistakes along the way and are are captured by a hermit who takes residence in the woods. 
At this point the film takes up two storylines; the current and the past. The past storyline reveals a motive for the couple. Various hints and acting choices have already lead us to believe that something else maybe going on it between the lines, showing us extreme manipulations to fulfill bizarre desires. The film is a Hansel and Gretel inspired fable with reversed gender roles and strong sexual overtones. There is some cannibalism in the film, but it does seem to be there to make the comparison to the fairy tale more concrete and comes out rather over the top and unneeded. The hermit and young boy develop a Stockholm relationship wherein the hermit seduces the boy, shedding light on the boys own sexual desires.
The execution of camera work within Criminal Lovers creates vivid moments of sexual intimacy; the scenes are repelling yet all the while arousing. This creates a complex chain of emotions and responses within the audience that borders between peak interest and utter shame. The violence in the first act is shot in such a way that gives a visceral reaction. Criminal Lovers is often frustrating when we are given insight into the mind of the teens. While they have committed very adult crimes, there are scenes where we realize that no matter how heartless they have seemed, they are really just kids. This is best shown in a scene that takes place after a brutal murder and on the way to get rid of the body, the pair hits a rabbit and take the time to give it a proper burial. The final act of Criminal Lovers is probably the strangest part of the whole film. A sex scene takes place that is supposed to resemble Spring, the coming of new a life, and a couple’s first experience together. This seems to be part sexual fantasy and part Disney film. While beautifully shot, bringing in the wild life that have been a somewhat prevalent theme, it all comes across as out of place. The scene precedes an odd choice in cut and tone change immediately afterwords, making me wonder if some of the final act was all just a fantasy of one of our characters.
Criminal Lovers is a unique film telling intersecting stories all while discoursing complex issues of teen sexuality, orientation, and desire at the backdrop of a beloved fairytail. I would suggest that fans of thrillers that have an open mind seek it out. The film has plenty of uneasy moments but a lot more going on than one would think in a retelling of Hansel and Gretel. 

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