Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blood Rites of the Vampyr

Director - Sebastien Godin (DinoGore, Slimoids)
Starring - Vicki Bitis (DinoGore, The Ties That Bind Her), Luc Bernier (Meathook Massacre II, A Blood Story), and Kiefer Friday
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Believe in her"
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     COVID-19 may have the world at a standstill but that is not stopping some indie filmmakers.  Many are using this time to work on screenplays, edit their current projects, and find other creative outlets to express themselves.  Sometime last year I was browsing social media when I came across a producer selling copies of the horror comedy Slimoids.  I was hooked.  Director Sebastien Godin has an eye for horror like I do.  He has a love for oddball horror similar to myself but he also has a strong passion for the classics as well.  His range of horror really makes him a director after my own heart.  A few weeks back I reviewed his film DinoGore and I thought it would be some time before I would be checking out another one from him but he recently surprised me with his newest film Blood Rites of the Vampyr.  Thanks Seb for sending this one my way.
     The film follows a small community that is plagued by a series of murders where the bodies are found with puncture wounds on their necks and the corpse is drained of blood.  No one seems to know how the killer is doing this but one detective suspects that a local legend about a vampire has something to do with it.

     I love a good vampire flick.  I grew up on Fright Night, The Lost Boys, Children of the Night, and My Best Friend is a Vampire.  I watched these films more times than I can count and I find myself going between the menacing vampire films and the ones mixed with comedy.  Regardless, I love vampire films but I find myself turned off by most modern vampire flicks because they are so fucking tacky.  Blood Rites of the Vampyr is a little on the tacky but it's homage to classic vampire films more than makes up for this.  The acting in this one is solid.  Most of the cast works very well together and really takes the time to get into character but there was a few scenes where their inexperience worked against them.  With that being said, I really enjoyed the characters even though they were cliched they still worked for the film.  The story for this one is a classic vampire tale that mixing mythology, religion, and mystery elements.  The story works in all these elements but still remains fairly simple.  It's very easy to follow and mixes the story with the imagery very well.  It does get a little dry in the middle of the film but picks itself up.  Finally, the film is bloody and has the same deaths you would expect from a vampire flick.  The effects works for the film but those of you looking for a gorefest will be disappointed.  Overall, Blood Rites of the Vampyr is a no budget tribute to the classic vampire films of yesteryear.  It has some beautiful shots and an awesome soundtrack but does get a little heavy in the middle before picking back up.  I highly suggest giving this one a spin when you can.  

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