Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ghost Shark

Director - Griff Furst (Alligator Alley, Lake Placid 3)
Starring - Dave Davis (The Walking Dead, Logan), Sloane Coe (Devil's Due, Shark Island), and Mackenzie Rosman (Beneath, The Tomb)
Release Date - 2013
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Tagline - "Don't. Get. Wet."
Format - DVD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I've never been one that got excited for the Sy-Fy shark movies.  They always seem so drawn out and boring with horribly CGI and a cast that consists of former somebodies.  The stories are almost always the same with just the shark and location being the only differences.  Several months ago I received the Shark Bait dvd collection from Mill Creek Entertainment that consisted of 6 shark movies and one bonus alligator flick.  With October fully rolling I thought this was the perfect time to binge these 7 flicks.  I started with the first film in the set Ghost Shark from 2013.
     The film begins with a fisherman and his daughter who find a shark while competing in a fishing tournament.  The shark eats the man's catch so he fatally wounds it before it retreats.  The shark swims to a small cave under a lighthouse and dies from the wounds.  We jump forward to a group of teens enjoying the summer and swimming on the beach when one of them is attacked by a shark.  The mayor and police do not believe their stories about a shark but the town drunk does.  When more and more bodies turn up with shark bites three of the teens investigate the local history of the town and the lighthouse the shark died at and discover that the town has spiritual ties to Roanoke and the missing colony and that spiritual energy unleashed the sharks spirit.  In order to stop the shark's bloody rampage they must destroy that cave under the lighthouse.
     I didn't expect a lot from Ghost Shark and though the film is bad in many aspects it still found a way to be entertaining.  The acting, story, and visuals are all bad but the movie finds a way to hold the viewer's attention in a strange magical way.  I couldn't revisit this one any time soon but it makes me more open to check out other films like it.  The acting in this one is laughable most of the time.  Even veteran actor Richard Moll delivers the cheesiest performance of his life which is really saying something.  The cast just hams in up in each scene and I absolutely loved it.  The story for this one is absurd but it works.  I never considered that I could like sharksploitation but I found myself really enjoying this story.  The ghost shark killing people while the town suffers from a spiritual presence similar to the one that many know from the lost Roanoke colony.  It is a little goofy but you have to consider that before hand when you chose to go with a movie called Ghost Shark.  Finally, this film is overflowing with horrible CGI that only adds to absurdity of the film.  We get tons of CGI shark and gore but those looking for classic practical gore will not find themselves in their happy place here.  The CGI is very laughable which I'm sure will only add to the fun you can have with a drunken movie marathon.  Overall, Ghost Shark is shitty movie fun.  Everything about this movie reeks but together its a highly entertaining film.  Check it out.  

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