Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Kindness of Strangers

Director - Lucky Cerruti
Starring - Ava Kostia, Eddie McCole, and Leslie Dame
Release Date - 2019
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "This is not your house"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     October is in full fucking swing and the horror is flying.  Usually by this point in the month I'd be around 7 or 8 films deep but this month I'm pushing 17 movies watched and almost 15 reviewed.  That's pretty fucking impressive if you ask me.  I've tried to keep the reviews mixed between indie horror and movies sent to me from distribution companies.  Several weeks back I was browsing Facebook when I came across a post in one of the horror movie groups.  It was for the indie horror short Kindness of Strangers from Dead Vision Productions.  It looked fun as fuck so I reached out to them to get a copy.  
     The film follows a young couple that is planning their big day.  They don't want to waste money on a hotel so they find a listing for a room available at the home of Gail.  They look passed the awkwardness of staying in a strangers home and book the room for a few days.  As they meet with people planning their special day they hear the locals mention that Gail and her family is unusual.  That night when they are in Gail's home they ask her about her family and soon after they meet them in an extremely unfortunate way.
     When I first received Kindness of Strangers I was a little upset that the film was around 30 minutes.  I wasn't expecting a short when I ordered a copy but after watching the film I can see why the running time is just that.  It works for the short amount of time but if it was any longer the story would not be as effective.  The acting in this one is solid but the cast has room for improvement.  The small group works very well together and their chemistry on screen is great.  I also like the characters they portrayed as well.  They really get into the scene which made the film easier to swallow.  The story for this one is simple and works.  A sadistic family offing people that take vacancy in their room for rent may not be the most original story line but it still entertains when done right.  I liked this short because it didn't focus entirely on the psychopathic family the entire time.  In fact, they were just part of the film during the final moments.  That made the gruesomeness stand out when compared to films that are ruthless from start to finish.  The viewer becomes desensitized when a movie over does it.  Finally, the film is bloody but the effects we get are minimal.  The little bit of practical effects we do get are decent but nothing that really stands out.  Overall, Kindness of Strangers may not bring something new to the genre we love but it does bring quality.  What the movie lacks in originality it more than makes up with in heart and passion.  Check this short out when you can.  You will not be disappointed.  

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