Monday, July 5, 2021

Bigfoot vs Megalodon

Director - BC Fourteen (Bigfoot vs the Illuminati, Trump vs the Illuminati) 
Starring - Wes Bruff (The Adventures of Hero-Man), Carl Folds, and Robert Forth
Release Date - 2021
Genre - Sci-Fi/Horror
Tagline - "The legends are real"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     By this point I don't know why I'm still reviewing the series of animated sci-fi films from director BC Fourteen but here I am.  I first stumbled into this series of movies a few months ago when MVD sent over Trump vs the Illuminate.  After I reviewed the film it was brought to my attention that the film was actually a sequel to Bigfoot vs the Illuminati.  I decided to finally check it out on Tubi before moving on to the next two films in the series.  After I finished the film I decided to keep the torture going and spin Bigfoot vs Megalodon that was sent my way from MVD.
     The film once again follows the last remaining members of the human race as they try to rebuild society when they find themselves the target of an attack from the evil Megalodon that was genetically modified by the Nazis during World War II.  
    I knew exactly what to expect when I tossed this one in.  The others had stories that could have been cool but it they went the cheap route by adding in names people already know and are familiar with like Stalkin, Van Helsing, Allister Crowley, and Dr. Jekyll.  It's the kind of film I could see myself liking but they approach they took made it a tough one to finish.  The voice acting in this one isn't bad but the voices don't match the characters.  The characters are all gritty and realistic while their voices are going for that Saturday morning cartoon vibe.  It's not funny and makes for an awkward experience.  The story for this one picks up pretty much after the events of Bigfoot vs the Illuminati.  If you are invested in the characters it may be something to look forward to.  However, as a movie fan I have to say that the story would have been a lot more entertaining if the film created their own characters instead of embarrassingly using known names.  Also, the titles doesn't happen which is the biggest crime in cinematic history.  If you expect a fight between the two then you will be very disappointed.  Finally, the animation is consistent with the other two films.  The scenery and locations look great.  Hell, all the characters besides bigfoot look great.  However, the scenes are awkward to watch.  It's one character on one side of the screen and another on the opposite.  They never open their mouths to talk and flail their arms around in random patterns.  Overall, Bigfoot vs Megalodon is another entry in a series of films that leaves me wishing it would have taken itself seriously.  I love so many movies like it but the horrible voice acting meets lazy story writing and animation results in a film that is tough to watch.  


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