Thursday, January 30, 2014



Director - Jeremiah Kipp (A Chance in Hell)
Starring - Rob Dimension (The Chainsaw Sally Show Season 2, No Clowning Around), Ilaria Malvezzi, and Jerry Janda
Release Date - 2013
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Benjamin is normal..."
Format - Streaming (Online Screener)

Rating (out of 5):
     Modern horror is known to contain immense amount of nudity, gore, blood, foul language.  I actually love all four of those but sometimes the director forgets to add style and depth to their films.  They try to cram as many bloody tits as they can into their film without giving the viewer some decent plot twists and a story that is actually entertaining.  That brings me to my next review for Baggage.  The short was directed by Jeremiah Kipp and stars fellow director Rob Dimension.  I knew this short would not be my normal run of the mill horror flick that will leave me sticky with blood.  Hell, the poster gave me that much of a hint.  However, I wanted to see it and Dimension was nice enough to hook me up with a screener.  Thanks Rob!
     The film follows Benjamin (Dimension).  Benjamin is your typical 9 to 5er that  often flies under the radar.  He enjoys his job but the one thing he wakes up for every day is the love of his lady. He also has a strange obsession with his work bag.  He holds it tight to his body all the time and this attracts the attention of two thugs.  The thugs try to take his bag but they do not know Benjamin and the darkness his harbors.
     What I like about shorts is how quick they get to the action, blood, and carnage. The downside to a film being a short is that the story has no time to fully develop.  However, Baggage is able to do the opposite.  In the film's short running time we are able to get a very well written and thought provoking film that goes well beyond my expectations.  The film is able to accomplish what full length films are able to do in a short period of time.  The acting in this short is damn amazing. Dimension is known for his roles behind, as well as, in front of the camera but this film shows that his real place in film is in front of the camera.  He really needs to take more starring roles because his roles on camera are always fun as hell to watch.  The story is not that original but it is a story done in a more unconventional method giving this short a very unique look and feel.  I don't want to go any further into the story for fear of spoilers.  Finally, those looking for great on screen kills and amazing special effects will not find them here.  This film is not here to boast a body count but to tell a story of just how far people will go to get what they truly want.  Overall, Baggage is an abnormal horror film that takes beauty and the mundane to give the viewer a rather new viewing experience.  I highly recommend it!


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