Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hatchet III (2013)

Hatchet III (2013)
directed by:  BJ McDonnell
starring:  Danielle Harris, Kane Hodder, Zach Galligan, Caroline Williams, Derek Mears, Sean WhalenRobert Diago DoQui, Rileah Vanderbilt     
Format:  Netflix Streaming
Tagline:  Some Legends Never Die
(out of 5)

     I waited so long to see this after the travesty that was Hatchet 2 with it's far inferior special effects and pretty much everything else.  Quite obvious to me that Mr. Adam Green just rushed through Hatchet 2 as fast as possible or maybe he just didn't have the good support the first and most excellent original had.  Either way thank you to BJ McDonnell for getting things back on track for Victory Crowley.  What a gory thrill ride that is everything Jason Goes to Hell:  the Final Friday should have been.  The SWAT team scene was spectacular and all I kept thinking was why didn't they do this in Jason Goes To Hell.  But anywho back to the star here Victor Crowley and his onslaught of blood and guts.
     Maybe my expectations after 2 were just so low I don't know but Hatchet III had me glued from the get go.  I mean the man or monster here just cannot die.  Shotgun blast to the face, multiple bullets, an rpg, nothing brings Victor down and his rampage throughout his forest territory is just mind boggling for a gorehound like myself.  There needs to be more movies like this, just a non-stop action packed rollercoaster of fear and awesome disgust.  I say awesome disgust because frankly I'm not disgusted.  The fx were on point unlike the previous sequel and the red stuff was flowing and spraying all over the place.  Decapitations, severed limbs, guttings, ripped open torsos, this forest freak/slasher flick has it all.  Definitely adding this one to my Halloween weekend marathon this year.

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