Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil's Son-In-Law

Director - Cliff Roquemore (The Human Tornado)
Starring - Rudy Ray Moore (Dolemite), Jimmy Lynch (Disco Godfather), and Leroy Daniels (Sanford and Son)
Release Date - 1977
Genre - Action/Exploitation
Tagline - "Have no fear, it's the comedy smash of the year!"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):
     I'm winding down on my no horror July with just a few days left in the month.  Back in January I spent most of the month watching sexploitation and vintage porn with not much else tossed in.  This time I found my focus mostly on blaxploitation flicks.  I fucking love blaxploitation but never get the chance to work them into my horror reviews.  After watching and reviewing Vinegar Syndrome's Dolemite and The Human Tornado I received a package in the mail from Vin Syn.  I receive stuff from them pretty regularly and when I opened it I was surprised with yet another Rudy Ray Moore film, Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil's Son-In-Law.  I was excited to finally see this and worked it into my schedule to review as quick as possible.  Thanks again Vin Syn for hooking me up!
     The film follows the exploits of Petey Wheatstraw (Moore).  After the result of an unusual birth, Wheatstraw is often bullied by the local boys and vows to get his revenge on them one day or another.  He learns martial arts and uses that skill to become a powerful man. He would go on to become a well recognized entertainment figure known for his blistering rhymes.  One day he plans a show the same time as two competitors who need the money to pay off their loans.  When Petey refuses to change his show they send in some goons to make him change his mind.  They miss their target and a young boy is murdered.  The two comedians use this mistake to their advantage and send the goons back with tommy guns to kill Petey while he attends the funeral.  They hit their mark and Petey, along with dozens of innocent bystanders, are murdered.  Petey awakens in hell and is approached by Satan where he offers him his life back if he weds his daughter so he could give him the grandson he has always wanted.  Petey accepts his offer and is granted his life back along with everyone else that perished on the church steps.  Petey then sets in motion a plan to get revenge on those that murdered him using Satan's pimp cane.  Petey is able to get his revenge and then tries to trick Satan so he doesn't have to marry his fugly daughter but this turns more difficult than Petey had originally thought.
     Blaxploitation is always a fun experience.  The action and wardrobe is always fun.  The characters are always cliched and stereotypical but still full of fun.  There is something so entertaining about these films no matter how horribly written or acted they are.  The acting in this one is on the same level as Dolemite and The Human Tornado.  Moore once again shows why he is the king of blaxploitation cinema by spitting out his rhymes and horrible kung-fu kicks.  The supporting cast is just as good and I was a bit shocked by the well spoken Satan portrayed by G Tito Shaw.  He was only in the film for a few moments but his role needed to be bigger.  I understand why his role was so small considering if it was any bigger they would have been pushing the lines of horror but he was brilliant and I really enjoyed that character.  The story for this one is a little more on your typical blaxploitation flick.  Most blaxploitation flicks follow the title character as they battle conflicts that is normal for the urban minority such as gang violence, drugs, and race crimes.  This one mixes it up and has the title character fighting over stand up comedy and is then introduced to the devil and given a magical cane.  This makes this one very unique and does have some hints of horror with the demon fight scenes.  Finally, those of you looking for action will find it here.  The action is mild but still entertains.  We have some gun fights, martial arts fights, and even some demons tossed in for good measure.  Overall, Petey Wheatstraw is one hell of a film (pun intended).  This may not be the first blaxploitation film to feature the devil but it still delivers on the mayhem.  Check this one out and immediately.  

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