Saturday, February 15, 2020

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Director - John Newland (Crawlspace, Wonder Woman)
Starring - Kim Darby (Teen Wolf Too, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers), Jim Hutton (Psychic Killer, The Twilight Zone), and Barbara Anderson (The Invisible Man, Night Gallery)
Release Date - 1973
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Now you see them, now you don't!  Now you die..."
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     I know a lot of horror fans that skip titles when they discover that they were made for television movies.  I get that a lot of these titles were heavily censored due to television constraints but I've seen several over the years that were fucking top notch.  I have a hard time following the masses and if a movie looks cool to me then I'm going to check it out eventually.  Several years ago I picked up the remake of Don't Be Afraid of the Dark on DVD at Big Lots for $1.88.  I figured for that price it would be a good addition to my collection.  Several weeks later I tossed it in and remember really enjoying it.  Fast forward and sometime back Warner Brothers announced that they would be releasing the original 1973 made for television film on blu.  I had never seen this one so I reached out and they were kind enough to send over a review copy.  I'm glad they did because I really enjoyed it.  Thanks guys!
     The film follows a young couple that just inherited an old mansion.  They hire a handyman who is familiar with the property to help renovate the home.  The husband is very career driven and wants to impress the firm he works for so he can make partner.  He is hosting a dinner party in the home and work quickly to have the home in order.  However, during the renovations they discover that a grand fire place has been blocked up.  The handyman warns them not to remove the bricks blocking the fire place but the young bride does not heed his warning.  She removes the blocks and soon she starts seeing small creatures that terrify her.  Her husband refuses to listen to her and only focuses on his career while his wife slips further and further into madness.
     I remember some of the story from the remake so I had somewhat of an idea as to what to expect.  I really enjoyed the film and though it was the bloodiest and goriest film but it still worked with the atmosphere and characters.  The acting in this one works very well for the tone and atmosphere.  Kim Darby was absolutely fantastic.  You really feel her terror and when she's scared you actually believe it.  I loved her facial expressions and how genuine her performance is.  The supporting cast is solid but the characters do not hold the scene like Darby does.  The story for this one is extremely simple but works for what it is.  Sure, it's not the most terrifying film but it works.  I really enjoyed the little creature angle and the suspense in the film really makes it work.  Finally, no blood or gore in this one for you sick fucks.  We do get some cool little creatures with some fun make-up effects but that is the extent of it.  Overall, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark is a fun movie that relies solely on suspense instead of the red stuff.  The blu could use some improvement but the release is still better than nothing.  Check it out now on blu from Warner Brothers.  

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