Thursday, February 20, 2020

Tammy and the T-Rex

Director - Stewart Raffill (18 Wheels of justice, Survival Island)
Starring - Denise Richards (Starship Troopers, Wild Things), Paul Walker (The Fast and the Furious, The Skulls), and Theo Forsett (Street Hawk, The Rookie)
Release Date - 1994
Genre - Comedy/Sci-Fi/Horror
Tagline - "He's the coolest pet in town"
Format - 4K Ultra HD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     The 90s was the decade I grew up in.  I was born in the 80s and I will always have an obsession with that decade but the 90s was when I found myself.  I rented so many tapes during this time from the local video store and like most kids my age I was obsessed with dinosaurs.  I remember renting several movies about dinosaurs around this time but the two that really stands out to me is Adventures in Dinosaur City and Prehysteria.  When Vinegar Syndrome announced that they would be releasing Tammy and the T-Rex on blu I was curious.  The movie looked so fucking familiar but I couldn't recall if it was one I had seen before or not.  When they announced that this would be the first 4K release of theirs I was very intrigued.  I reached out to them and they were kind enough to send a copy of the 4K release over for review.  Thanks guys!
     The film follows Tammy (Richards) and her new boyfriend Michael (Walker) who are secretly dating due to Tammy's fear that her ex will hurt Michael.  Her ex is extremely territorial and protective of Tammy and when he learns that Michael is dating him he kidnaps him.  He takes him out in the middle of the woods where they spot a lion roaming the countryside.  The let him out to fend off the beast on his own.  Michael lives but is hospitalized and soon a sleazy scientists pays him a visit when he learns that he has no parents and lives with his deadbeat uncle.  they need his brain to put in a mechanical t-rex.  They fake Michael's death and kidnap him where they successfully place his brain in the beast.  However, the brain retains Michael's thoughts and is soon leaving a bloody path back to Tammy.
     It was evident after I tossed this one in that it was one I had never seen before but it was one I would have loved as a kid.  It was cheesy and right up the goofy alley that I enjoy.  The big difference between this release and the old VHS is Vin Syn was able to release the gore cut of the film that was missing some of the scenes that was cut so the film could get a PG 13 rating.  The artwork from The Dude Designs mixed with the gore cut of this release makes this a must for cult cinema fans.  The acting in this one is so fucking cheesy.  The characters are extremely cliched for the mid 90s and the cast hams it up.  I wouldn't call it bad acting but the scenes that have humor miss their mark but the scenes that are funny are done so unintentionally due to the acting.  The story for this one is extremely simple and, dare I say, cheesy but I fucking loved it.  You can tell it was written on the fly and rushed through. Some of the story just doesn't make sense but you don't question because its a film about a teenage t-rex.  Don't over think it and just enjoy the madness.  Finally, this cut of the film does provide some serious carnage.  I couldn't imagine watching this one without the gore included.  It looks great and the effects are top notch.  However, the t-rex looks ridiculous.  Most of the movie worked for me as a late night watch but the mechanical t-rex used was laughable.  Overall, Tammy and the T-Rex may be new to some or a revisit for others but I can assure you that you have never seen this film like this.  This Vin Syn release is a must for any cult cinema fan and seeing the gore in this one really makes it a fun experience for horror fans.  Check it out.  

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