Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Bad CGI Sharks

Director - MaJaMa
Starring - Matthew Ellsworth (Potluck), Jason Ellsworth (Potluck), and Matteo Molinari (Drive In, The Silence of the Hams)
Release Date - 2019
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Format - DVD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

    I love weird and bad movies.  It's no secret by this point and I blame Troma for my horrible taste in film.  The goofier the movie the more I want to see it.  Sometime last year I started seeing posts for the horror comedy Bad CGI Sharks.  I'm not much for the sharksploitation sub-genre but this movie looked funny so I reached out to SRS Cinema and MVD and they were kind enough to send a review copy my way  Thanks guys for allowing me the opportunity to review this strange little film!
     The film follows estranged brothers, Jason and Matthew, that reconnect after years apart.  During their youth they had dreams of making a shark movie but life took them in different directions.  While one of them still has dreams of directing their own movie the other is more grounded and wants to keep his life on track.  However, that doesn't happen when a poorly constructed CGI shark starts terrorizing Hollywood sticking the brothers in the middle of the carnage.
     I love watching an indie movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.  If a movie can be fun while making fun of itself then I know I will at least have laughs. Bad CGI Sharks is a movie with laughs, memorable characters, and a solid story but the scenes are a little dry and some of the jokes are repetitive.  I still enjoyed myself but I don't see a revisit anytime soon.  The acting in this one is pretty fun.  The cast really gets into their roles but some of the scenes is a little forced.  The characters are fun and not easily forgettable but the cast's inexperience does show.  The story for this one is funny and really mixes fantasy and sci-fi elements with sharksploitation.  Calling this a horror tale is a bit of a stretch but I will admit that this movie is more entertaining than it should be.  This goofy story that felt like it was thought up in a weed smoking session is pretty fun if you just go with it.  There is a few scenes that are very uneventful and boring which does bring the movie down but not enough to make it unwatchable.  Finally, if you want great practical effects and plenty of gore then you are in the wrong place for that.  However, if cheap CGI is your thing then you will find your fill here.  There is no practical effects in this one but it is full of shitty looking sharks.  It's funny at first but the joke does run it's course fairly early on.  Overall, Bad CGI Sharks is an interesting idea that works for a no budget comedy but the humor does wear thin and some of the slower scenes are a bit tough to sit through.  This is one I would recommend watching with friends and beer but not alone and sober.  

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