Monday, September 21, 2020

Uncle Peckerhead

Director - Matthew John Lawrence (Larry Gone Demon, Stripper Cake)
Starring - David Littleton (The Signal, Music Box), Ruby McCollister (The Deuce, Bug Bite), and Chet Siegel (CollegeHumor Originals, Museum of Human History)
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     Several weeks ago I saw a trailer for the horror comedy Uncle Peckerhead that was gearing up for a blu release from Epic Pictures.  The trailer really peaked my interest so I reached out to Epic about the press release and a review copy.  A few days later I got this awesome press kit with a few shirts, a poster, a cassette tape, and some stickers.  Honestly, I was really impressed by all the goodies they sent but was the movie worth it?
     The film follows a three piece punk band who just found a seat on a small tour but are at a loss when some goons steal their van.  Heartbroken that their see their dream of playing their songs on a tour, they cross paths with the odd but genuine Peckerhead (Littleton) or Peck for short.  He agrees to take them to their gigs and in return he gets some much needed company.  What they don't know is that at midnight for a few minutes he turns into a flesh eating demon.  They see his disorder at a mild nuisance at first but soon find themselves at the center of unneeded bloodshed and death.
     The trailer really sold me on the film but I have to say the movie did not disappoint.  There is a few things I wish the movie would do differently but the overall flick was well worth the wait even though I had to wait a few extra weeks for a disc replacement because my original copy would not play passed the one hour mark.  Regardless, the film was as fun and bloody as I had hoped for.  The acting for this one really surprised me.  The film's cast is absolutely phenomenal and the characters really do stand out especially when you compare it to other horror comedies.  However, David Littleton is the real stand out star of the film.  His character, though the title character, really does carry the film.  He does a fantastic job and really brings about different personalities and emotions depending on the scene.  He was fantastic.  The story for this one is a solid premise but the ending really didn't work for me.  The punk band going on tour and using the fan of a demon is pretty brilliant and the perfect basis for so many misadventures.  However, the ending of the film just felt lazy and unfinished. I don't know if the budget or shooting schedule was cut short but the movie didn't end well for me.  I won't go any further for risk of spoiling it but it does not bring about any closure.  Finally, the film has so much blood and gore, as well as, some great make-up effects.   The kills are not that memorable but they do offer up some great practical effects and some great looking gore.  Overall, Uncle Peckerhead is a well acted and bloody horror comedy that has some solid practical effects and a fun story.  The ending could be better but I would still recommend this one as it is.  Check it out now from Epic Pictures.  

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