Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Starring - Shawn Burkett (A Shameless Revenge, Bludgeon), Brittany Blanton (Don't Fuck in the Woods, 13 Slays Till X-Mas), and Travis Wilson (Campground: The Requel, Season's Greetings 2)
Release Date - 2021
Genre - Horror/Comedy
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     Sometime back Shawn Burkett of Concept Media announced that he would be working on a new bigfoot centered horror film titled Stranded.  I respect the hell out of Burkett and Concept Media so I was all for this release.  Sadly, things got out of hand and the pandemic prevented him from making the film.  However, not one to waste time, Burkett and company set out to make a web-series around the fury cryptid.  Then turned into Squatch'd which was released exclusively on the Concept Media YouTube page before receiving a blu release.  I snagged the blu release but I never got around to watching the series on YT.  I knew I was going to be watching two documentaries on bigfoot from Small Town Monsters soon and set out to finally watch this before I did.  
     The series follows the mischievous sasquatch as he encounters various people entering his woods either camping, searching for the elusive beast, or trying to find a solitary spot to piss.   
     I went into this one not knowing anything about the series but it's not often that Concept Media disappoints.  The series, or lack there of, is extremely short lived but funny.  I seriously enjoyed but the fact that there was five or six episodes and barely ran five minutes was a huge disappointment.  It was such a missed opportunity for Concept Media and fans of cryptids and horror comedies.  The acting in this one is great.  One segment features the director himself in a rare on screen appearance where he delivers a pretty fun performance.  We also see some other Concept Media regulars like Travis Wilson, Brittany Blanton, and Rob Collins.  The series is very well acted and the characters are really enjoyable.  They bring out the comedy very well and their scenes work.  The story for this one is pretty straight forward for a webs-series.  Most of the episodes are barely a minute but have some fun laughs. I like the gimmick and the writing but my only issue is that it's way too short.  It's almost like it was made for Tik Tok instead of YouTube and physical releases.  Finally, the film isn't a bloody one.  I liked the look of bigfoot but if you are looking for blood and gore you will be disappointed.  Overall, Squatch'd was fun but not what I was expecting at all.  It has a lot of promise and could have been something extremely memorable but the short episodes does make it difficult to gain any traction.  I liked it but if you are like me and expecting something more than a five minute watch then you will be very disappointed.     

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