Thursday, December 20, 2012


Director - Steve Goltz (Blood Brothers)
Starring - Keegan Bergen, Kirk Gilbert, and Mike Goltz (Blood Brothers)
Release Date - 2011
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "He's beary scary"
Format - Streaming (Youtube)

Rating (out of 5):

     After watching Popularity Killer and discovering it was a typical slasher, I had no doubt in my mind that Teddy would be similar.  Teddy was Slasher Studios first horror outing and due to the companies name being Slasher Studios I knew this one would be a fun little slasher.  I was hoping this film would be better than the previous film I watched and I could only guess it was.  This movie had made its rounds through the film festival circuit and received a lot of positive feedback.  So immediately following my last post, I headed over to Youtube and decided to give this little 10 minute film a go.
     The film opens with an elderly man having car trouble on the side of the road.  His son, Teddy, is a bit odd and may possible be mentally ill.  He tells Teddy to go sit under a tree while he tries to get the car going.  As a car approaches, the old man steps out onto the road to flag them down.  He has no idea that the driver has been drinking and is hit by the oncoming car.  The group in the car are going camping for a few days and have been drinking heavily.  The driver is a douche and forces the others to keep their mouths shut and they push his corpse in the ditch.  They are unaware that Teddy is in the bushes watching.  That night they are sitting around the campfire when the douche and his lady head back to the tent for some purple headed yogurt slinger time.  The boy and girl left by the campfire are siblings and the sister heads back to the car to gather more blankets.  While she is gone, Teddy arrives and stabs her brother in the mouth with a metal rod used for roasting marshmallows and then rams a tiki torch up his ass.  When the couple finish screwing they leave the tent so they can piss and get more beet.  The douche wonders off to piss, and while he is gone, Teddy kills the girl and cuts her head off with a shovel.  When he comes back, Teddy throws a hatchet and hits him in the head with it.  The young girl finally arrives carrying blankets and witnesses this.  She runs off and finds a nearby house.  When she runs inside she finds her brother's body with the tiki torch in his ass. While standing there trying to wrap her mind around the events that has recently unfolded, Teddy wonders in behind her...
     This is how slasher movies should be done nowadays.  I honestly wish this movie was an actual full length film instead of the short.  The acting in this one is actually decent and so is the special effects.  Most of the kills are done off camera due to their budget but the hatchet to the face and decapitated head look amazing.  I also really enjoyed the story.  Good, ol fashioned "camping in the woods" slasher like I used to rent on VHS growing up.  This movie deserves every bit of the hype it has received, and in time, I hope they remake it into a feature film.  This short is only 10 minutes long and not a minute of it is wasted.  Check it out.


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