Friday, April 11, 2014


Director - Bryon Blakey (Nine Grounds)
Starring - Cindy Means, Heather Hall, and Daniel Skinner (Drifter: Lonesome Highway)
Release Date - 2014
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "It's her time of the month"
Format - Streaming (online screener)

Rating (out of 5):
     When it comes to horror everyone is always looking for the next best thing.  That one film that is going to break ground and go down in history as a game changer. The original Night of the Living Dead forever changed the way we see zombies. Since then a lot of other films have helped shape multiple other sub-genres into the ones we know today.  However, while everyone is out looking for this so called "game changer" I'm out looking for the ones that embrace the sub-genres they are apart of.  These films don't try to re-write the formula but build upon them to create something fun and entertaining.  That brings me my next review for PMS Cop.  I discovered this film when I seen various horror sites posting news that the film will be available through Full Moon Streaming under their Wizard Studios monicker.  I reached out the the people behind the film and was able to get a link to an online screener and for that I want to thank director Bryon Blakey.
     The film follows police officer Mary (Hall) who is being ridiculed by the local media for violently attacking a clown that is responsible for a series brutal rapes.  She attempts to apologize and it back fires resulting in her being forced into taking an experimental drug made to handle PMS.  The drug works well for a short time until she witnesses her partner's murder.  The PMS implant triggers a murderous impulse inside her and she goes on a bloody rampage.  The corporation behind the experimental drug track her down and bring her back to their building complex which in turn was a horrible idea.  She is able to break free and turns the building into a morgue.
     The points of a movie is to tell a story.  Even the most goriest of horror films have a story of one kind or another to tell.  Sadly, not all horror flicks are effective at telling their story.  Some movies just go through the motions and do what has to be done to finish without any real value.  With that being said, PMS Cop did not do that.  Blakey was able tell a story in such a way that I was drawn into to it.  That is rare among indie horror but it does happen and when it does it needs to be praised.  The acting in this one is hit and miss.  Some of the leads did a great job and showed a natural talent for being in front of the camera.  The remainder of the cast did not show enough experience to make their roles completely believable.  The story is one that has been told in one fashion or another but Blakey is about to do so in a whole new light.  The story of a medical experiment going wrong and killing it's creator has been told time and time again but none have had the exploitation twist this one has setting it apart from the rest.  Finally, the film has spectacular special effects and on screen kills that is really impressive and shocking at the same time.  I knew the film would be shocking and push taboos but I did not expect the type of kills that we did get.  Overall, PMS Cop is a hard hitting exploitation horror hybrid that is fun and entertaining.  If you are looking for menstrual mayhem then this one is for you!

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