Friday, May 16, 2014


Director - Chris Moore (Confessions of a Horror Baby)
Starring - Chris Moore, Jack McCafferty, Brad Mallette (North Woods)
Release Date - 2014
Genre - Horror/Drama
Tagline(s) - "Some films go one step too far. This film goes all the way!" "For the past two years, Ryan has been living in a protective shell. That shell is about to crack." "He wanted inside his home, inside his mind, inside his body." and "For Ryan, the only thing more terrifying than leaving his home is staying inside it!"
Format - Streaming (online screener)

Rating (out of 5):
     Things have been crazy here for me.  Me and the wife recently purchased a house and a majority of my time has been spent moving shit from one house to other while doing some remodeling and repairs to the new home.  This would not be as stressful if the wife was not 8 1/2 months pregnant.  Before all this chaos started unfolding I was able to watch the film Perversion by director Chris Moore.  Perversion is a film Moore made when he was a senior in high school which is rather impressive when you consider all the work it takes to be a senior in high school and combine it with all the stress it takes to make a film.  When the opportunity popped up for me to see the film I jumped at it.  I also want to take a moment to thank Chris for hooking me up with an online screener and I also want to apologize for taking so long to review your film.
      The film follows a young man who is a recluse of sorts.  One Christmas Eve his family was sexually assaulted resulting in the death of his parents and his sister was locked away due to psychological scaring.  The young man tries to leave the past behind him but his neighbor is a sex obsessed pedophile that has taken a liking to the young man.  He harasses the young man by placing vulgar phone calls to him which eventually leads to him snapping and killing everyone in his path.
     There is nothing more disturbing and horrifying than sexually related crimes.  Rape and molestation is a sensitive subject that has to be handled tastefully in order to keep the viewer watching.  Some may find this subject unnerving while others find it very interesting.  Which ever side you are on the film has to be able to tell a story to keep you entertained.  The film will fail miserably if it is just an hour of forced sex and nudity.  Perversion is able to deliver the real life horrors of rape and molestation while keeping it tasteful and unnerving.  Sadly, the film drags on for way too long and is an extremely slow burn.  So many scenes drag on longer than what they really needed to.  The movie is also hard to see.  A majority of the film is gritty and dark making it hard to really focus on what is going on.  The acting in this one is very amateurish.  The entire cast tried very hard but just lacked the experience necessary to make their characters believable.   The story for this one is one of the more horrifying tales I have seen in the short amount of time I have been writing reviews.  The story is dark, unnerving, and I would not recommend it for the squeamish.  Finally, the film does have a few on screen kills that are bloody but the kills are not original or sporting amazing special effects.  Overall, Perversion is a valiant effort by actor, writer, and director Chris Moore but just did not go the distance.  If you like sick and twisted films then this one may be up your alley but keep in mind that the film is very flawed.


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