Friday, August 2, 2013

Wicked City

Wicked City (1992)
directed by:  Yoshiaki Kawajiri and Carl Macek
starring:  Gregory Snegoff, Mike Reynolds, Alexandra Kenworthy, Edie Mirman, Jeff Winkless
Genre:  Anime

    As a "not so much" fan of the anime world Wicked City is by far my favorite.  Coincidently it's also the first one I ever saw.  Mainly it's the bug eye style of the character design I do not enjoy but there are always exceptions.  This and director Yoshiaki Kawajiri's Ninja Scroll are two classics I can't get enough of.
    Taki (Snegoff) is a sort of secret service agent known as a black guard battling the Black World of misshapen monsters that are everything from whores with teeth in their vaginas  to giant tentacle wielding monsters that mutate at will.  Taki was put in the charge of guarding Jesepe Myer (Reynolds) a peace treaty ambassedor of the black world who is essential for the progression of peace between the two worlds.  Agent Taki and his new partner Makie (Kenworthy) a beautiful woman agent from the black world are sent to pick up and protect Jesepe until the treaty can go through.  Jesepe is a dirty old man of sorts more concerned with prostitutes and strippers than completing his mission.  From the moment the two guards pick up Jesepe he relentlessly hits on Makie and starts in with an onslaught of dirty talk.  Taki reminds Jesepe of their mission several times but Jesepe just seems to want to get laid and have fun.  All is not what it seems with Jesepe though as you soon find out and this mystery continues on right up to the end.  Definitely my favorite character in the film.  The dialogue is very believable and down to earth which is something that for me at least I see lacking in a lot of anime movies.  The stories overall are always very intricate and sometimes overwhelming but the dialogue for whatever reason seems a bit cheesy to me like for example The Vampire Hunter D series.  While it's got a great storyline the dialogue just suffers greatly.

     A supreme display of artistic hand drawn visual effects ensues and never stops through each of the fight scenes between Taki his partner Makia and the black world demons.  Beginning at an airport runway Taki comes across two members of the black world and before he knows it his new partner appears and finishes the job killing two of the demonic bad guys.  All through the movie to the last and final fight with the black world resistance leader it's the same.  There are so many artists creating these kinds of animes it really makes me wonder how they get everything to flow so well.  The artwork is consistent for the most part in anime's like Wicked City and yet if you look up the long list of animators it really makes you see the quality of artistic talent there is. 
     Other than the great animation another aspect of anime I greatly enjoy are the sound effects.  Makie's fingernails slicing through the air, the ground cracking and breaking it's all very well done in my modest opinion and almost every anime I've seen it's pretty much the same way.  I think the effect of Jesepe sucking on the black world prostitutes boob was perhaps the best sound effect of the movie.  Makes me laugh so hard every time I watch it.
     Wicked City continues on through a war between the demons of the black world and the secret agents of our world until Jesepe is attacked by a black world whore and put into a coma.  The black world constantly at odds with Taki and Makie.  Then Makie herself is kidnapped by the demon resistance leader (Winkles) who is bound to destroy her for the treachery of working for the Black Guards.  But there is an unseen force growing in Makie's body.  The child of she and Taki who have fallen in love since their mission began.  Makie then becomes an indestructible wrecking ball of sorts dispatching all sorts of black world demons.   I have to go with a 5 bloody hand print rating on this one.  Awesome movie.

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