Monday, April 26, 2021

Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space

Starring - Sherry Alberoni (Sisters of Death, Super Friends), Jerry Dexter (DuckTales, Sealab 2020), and Jackie Joseph (Small Soldiers, Gremlins)
Release Date - 1972
Genre - Sci-Fi
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     Warner Archive has been releasing some pretty solid releases over the last few years and it seems like they are only going to get better.  A couple weeks ago I received the press release for their newest batch of releases coming up and one title really caught my eye.  It's not a horror title but I was still extremely curious about it.  I was born in the mid-80s and grew up in the 90s.  I was part of the Orange Years at Nickelodeon and Goosebumps was my introduction to the genre.  However, I was still a heavy VHS collector.  I had accrued several older shows on tapes that I had picked up in random places.  One of these tapes was episodes of the original Josie and the Pussy Cats.  So when I saw the blu release of Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space I had to check it out.  I want to thank Warner for sending this one over.  
      The series follows Josie and the gang who find themselves accidentally tossed in a space ship and sent out to space.  Each episode follows the crew as they find themselves on a different planet battling a different cosmic foe.
     I remember watching the few tapes of Josie and the Pussy Cats when I was in elementary school and liking it but I never had a chance to see in Outer Space.  Hell, I didn't know it was a thing until I received the press release for it.  It was a fun short lived series that takes the same Scooby-Doo like antics of Josie and the Pussy Cats and puts a sci-fi spin on it.  I enjoyed it but it's not a show I would recommend binging.  The voice acting in this one works for the show but fans of the original show and Scooby-Doo will recognize these voices fairly quickly.  With that being said, I absolutely loved the off world voice acting of the new characters that were introduced.  The stories for these episodes mostly follow the same formula.  We follow the crew as they land, or crash land in some instances, on a planet where they encounter an alien race in some sort of turmoil.  It's really fun for a few episodes but after three or four you find yourself waiting to watch something else.  It makes sense this series only lasted one season.  Finally, the animation is exactly what you would expect from an early 70s Hanna Barbara production.  It's fun for a children's show but as an adult you can appreciate it for what it is.  Overall, Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space is a fun spin off of a popular Hanna Barbara property that is fun for a first time watch but I wouldn't recommend binging the entire series.  It's very repetitive.  The blu release from this one looks great but the lack of supplimental material is a big disappointing.  


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