Monday, April 5, 2021


Director - Brian Skiba (Deadly Excursion, Slaughter Creek)
Starring - William McNamara (Feel the Dead, Day of the Mummy), Domonique Swain (Face/Off, Ghost Whisperer), and Corin Nemec (Sand Sharks, Sea Beast)
Release Date - 2018
Genre - Comedy/Horror/Sci-Fi
Tagline - "Hippity Hoppity Homicide"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     I'm a sucker for a holiday horror flick but some holidays tend to get all the movies while others are skipped over.  Easter has seen it's fair share of horror hits over the years with movies like Easter Sunday, Easter Casket, Peter Rottentail, Kottontail, and Easter Bunny Kill Kill.  I've watched and reviewed all of these but I was looking for something new this year to watch when I remembered I had bought the indie horror comedy Rottentail last summer.  I found the film for $5 on blu and bit the bullet.  It's not an Easter movie per se but a killer man-rabbit was good enough for me to watch it on Easter.
     The film follows a scientist who uses rabbits in his experiments.  However, when a fellow scientists takes his rabbits to run an experiment on he finds himself bitten by the mutated bunny where he is transformed into a man-rabbit with a lust for revenge against those that hurt his fury friends.  
     I went into this one know nothing about it.  I loved the look of the monster on the cover and for $5 I couldn't pass up adding it to my collection.  Sadly, the film was a huge disappointment.  It had all the makings of a great horror comedy but the film is unable to pull everything that it has going for it into something fun and entertaining.  That acting in this one is surprisingly well done.  Nemec is absolutely brilliant as Rottentail.  His one liners and comedic timing is fucking amazing.  I was not expecting him to nail a performance like this.  The character makes the film but it's not good enough to actually save it.  The supporting cast is solid enough but they don't stand out like Nemec and his high energy performance.  The story for this one is basically Spider-Man with a few changes to make it fit better.  A mutated rabbit bites a scientist and it turns him into a murderous man-rabbit is pretty funny but the film is extremely uneven.  A lot of the scenes are extremely drawn out and boring while others are over the top comical.  The movie could use some heavy editing and the story needs to be a little more stream lined.  Finally, the film has some messy moments with some blood but the kills are very lackluster and unimaginative.  The practical effects are solid enough  and the make-up effects are great but the visual effects used are pretty bad.  Overall, Rottentail was not as fun as I was hoping for.  I liked the title character but the film around it was unwatchable.  This movie took me a lot longer to finish it then I expected and a lot had to do with how bad it was.  Skip it.  

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