Friday, February 11, 2022

Night Feeder

Director - Jim Whiteaker
Starring - Kate Alexander (The New Guy, A Whisper to a Scream), Cintra Wilson (So I Married an Axe Murderer, Liquid Television), and Jonathan Zeichner (Matlock, Deadly Desire)
Release Date - 1988
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "When baby needs a special diet"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     SRS Cinema has some of the oldest films in my collection.  I'm not referring to when the original film was released but when the DVD or VHS was released by them.  Some films in my collection go back to the beginning of the DVD format while most were still focused on tape.  This wasn't something I picked up at first but after reflecting for the 20 some years I've been collecting I've released they have been in the game for some time now bringing indie and obscure films to fans.  Over the years they have releases several films that I liked and just as many that I didn't.  Their wide range of releases and genres made it damn near impossible for me to like them all which is understandable.  I still actively follow them and try to collect as many as possible regardless of the film.  Sometime back I saw that SRS was releasing the 1988 horror film Night Feeder.  This is one that I had never seen but was familiar with.  Several years back Bleeding Skull released the film on DVD and I missed the launch so it was great news that SRS was finally handling it.  I reached out to MVD and they were kind enough to send over a review copy for me.  Thanks guys!
     The film follows an aspiring journalist who stumbles upon a possible serial killer in her neighborhood.  The detective on the case suspects that it's the punk musician she is sleeping with but she maintains his innocence.  However, the closer the journalist and detective get to uncovering the truth behind who was murdering people in the neighborhood they discover that they are similar than they think with a romance blossoming.  Soon the real killer is revealed to the young journalist and it was not who she suspected. 
     I loved all the artwork used for this film.  The VHS release is absolutely fantastic.  The Bleeding Skull release uses a more updated version that is a lot more cleaner than the VHS.  Now, the SRS releases features most of the original artwork but with minor changes.  All three are fantastic but the first two does include spoilers which explains why SRS changed it up a bit.  The artwork is better than the film BUT it was still a fun flick that reminded me of the some of the movies I would watch on USA Up All Night when I was a kid.  I am kicking myself for not snagging the limited edition blu but the standard DVD release isn't bad.  The acting in this one isn't the worst I've seen but there was several instances where the awkward dialogue and interactions between the characters had me laughing.  It was almost like watching a late 80s local ad running on television meets those cringy religious videos you find by the dozens at flea markets.  They are all in but lack of experience and possibly direction made for some unintentionally funny moments that really goes against the tone of the film. The story for this one is predictable or spoiled if you've seen the original artwork for the film.  It tries to be a murder mystery with slasher-esque moments but if you've seen the artwork then you know exactly who, or what, is doing the killing.  All the suspense and mystery is stripped from the film.  It's still a fun first time watch but the predictability kills the mystery going for it.  I did like how the characters were written and the story but a little too much was revealed in the original artwork.  Finally, the film has some great bloody moments with some decent practical effects.  It's not the goriest film but there is a few scenes that really do stand out.  The effects are great for the film and stand out when they show them.  Overall, Night Feeder is a cheap entertaining flick.  It has no right being as fun as it is.  The movie is predictable but it still finds a way to entertain the viewer.  I recommend checking this one out when you get the chance.  

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