Sunday, October 14, 2012

Catholic Ghoulgirls

Director - Eamon Hardiman (Zombie Babies)
Starring - Ally Melling (The Comic Book Lady), Vanessa Kessinger, and Meghan McDowell (Vampire Whores from Outer Space)
Release Date - 2005
Genre - Horror
Tagline - "Better hide the rosary beads"

Rating (out of 5):

     Like I had stated in my Zombie Babies review, after watching Porkchop I had to watch all of Eamon Hardiman's films.  There was a horror/sci-fi convention a short distance upstate, although I was struck financially after my ride had alternator problems, I was able to make it there to purchase all his films.  When I told him and his girlfriend, Missy Dawn, I wanted to purchase a copy of each of his films he was nice enough to sign them and cut me a pretty good deal.  I then left the con because I knew I would find some other things I would want to buy but didn't have the money for it and didn't want to make myself feel bad.  
     This flick follows three catholic schoolgirls as they fight for their lives as undead hordes descend upon the town.  The three girls, with some help from a group of guys, make their way through town bashing the skulls of the undead.  As the group of guys start dying one by one the girls begin to loose hope in their survival until badass lesbian nuns save the day.  

     I liked this movie.  It had its fair share of flaws but as an overall film it was pretty decent.  The story is kind of lacking and the majority of the film is the characters just running from one location to another.  Also the editing seems choppy at times leaving the scenes merging together at awkward times.  Also the acting is very forced and not natural at all.  Like most great directors, Eamon's filmography will be split up into eras.  Like George A. Romero's films are split in to pre-Night of the Living Dead and post-Day of the Dead films, Eamon's will be definitely be split into pre-Porkchop and post.  You can tell he learned a lot from filming this and Vampire Whore from Outer Space and it shows in his later films.  The effects in this one are what you would expect from the low budget.  The zombies are just grey skin with black around the eyes but as bad as all those sounds the movie is very entertaining.  The dialogue is extremely rich which compensates for the lack of story.  I like this movie but it is the lower end of Eamon's films.  And once again Brian Gunnoe steals the show as Burt Flemming which is another reason to check it out.  You should watch it because you wont be disappointed.       

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