Saturday, October 13, 2012

Space Zombie Bingo!!!

Director - George Ormrod
Starring - William Darkow (The Grand Duke), Ramona Provost, and Hugh Crawford
Release Date - 1993
Genre - Horror/Sci-Fi
Tagline - "Lifes a beach...even in space"

Rating (out of 5):

     Never heard of this flick till I purchased the Toxie's Top Ten box set sold by Troma Entertainment.  Those of you that know about Troma or have read my posts before know that Troma tend to produce films that are low to no budget.  I purchased this box set for two reasons: the first is to collect all films made by Troma and the second was to watch the movie Curse of the Cannibal Confederates.  Well I saw this one in there and had to watch it first just from reading the title and seeing the cover art.  I knew it would be bad but how bad could it be?

      Trying to describe this plot is going to be difficult to convey just how insane this movie actually is.  Earth has been invaded by aliens.  The aliens dig up corpses and make them hunt the living.  The movie does not explain how they do it so let your imagination run wild with that one.  Anyway,  The American government fight back by sending Major Kent Bendover in to space to fight off the alien menace.  Unfortunately, Major Bendover is shot down and returns to Earth.  Through random gun/laser battles between the "earthlings" and aliens and some random scientific experiments in labs a super weapon is made to kill the aliens and reclaim Earth for the human race.
       This movie made me laugh more than a few times but that does not make it a good movie.  As you gathered from the title this is not one of those films you can take seriously.  It is a spoof of genre films from the 50's and 60's like The Blob and Plan 9 from Outer Space.  It does do a good job parodying those films but that is the downfall for the film as well.  The parody never ends and the film never lets up with the spoof.  This makes the movie seem almost forced with humor.  The off the wall plot, acting, and effects are all shitty but that adds charm to the film and make it entertaining in a "so bad it's good."  I enjoyed this movie somewhat but I definitely recommend watching something else if your in the mood to watch a flick  


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