Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Easter Bunny Kill Kill

Director - Chad Ferrin (Someone's Knocking at the Door)
Starring - Timothy Muskatell (Silent Night, Zombie Night), Ricardo Gray (Chop), and Charlotte Marie (Succubus: Hell-Bent)
Release Date - 2006
Genre - Horror/Exploitation
Tagline - "This year, there will be no resurrection"

Rating (out of 5)

     This is one of those movies that no one likes except for a select few that have no morals and tend to enjoy cheap, sleazy entertainment.  I am a member of multiple horror forums and I read a lot of articles online written by other horror hounds and I had never heard anything about this flick on any of those sites.  It was not until I was at a restaurant, of all places, that I overheard a young boy telling his friends about it.  Once I got home I looked around online and found it.  For the most part people tended to hate it but from reading the synopsis I had to give it a try.
     The film follows a "special" boy and his single mother as they go about their day-to-day lives...that is until she begins dating a sleazy killer who is trying to force his way into her home and take over.  One day while taking out the trash the special boy, Nicholas (Gray), meets a homeless man who gives him a bunny.  Nicholas, who is obsessed with Easter because that is the day his father "left," becomes fixated with the bunny and keeps him hidden in his room so his mother does not find it.  One day Mindy (Marie), Nicholas' mother, is called in to work a double shift and Rem (Muskatell), Mindy's boyfriend, volunteers to watch him so she can work.  While Mindy is away, Rem walks in on Nicholas playing with his pecker and petting the bunny.  Rem then blackmails Nicholas into letting him throw a party in the house while his mother is away.  Rem then calls a pedophile to come over to "play" with Nicholas if the price is right.  Rem then uses that money to buy drugs and hookers to take back to his party.  While picking up his wiener warmers, two Mexican workers that he had insulted earlier break into the house to steal tools that belong to them.  However, once inside the house they both are murdered along with the pedophile by someone wearing a bunny mask.  Once Rem and the hookers arrive back at the house the girls die one by one.  Rem then gets his throat cut and the killer is revealed...and it is not Nicholas.
     I really liked this movie after the first 30 minutes.  However the first 30 minutes is almost too painful to watch.  The scenes with Nicholas is really uncomfortable to sit through.  Like we learned in Tropic Thunder one should never go full retard in a film.  However the actor portraying Nicholas never had a chance to watch that film before portraying Nicholas and does just that.  It would be different if the scenes with him were at least funny but they are not.  You get that feeling inside like when your in public and someone with down syndrome walks by and you want to laugh but don't.  You want to laugh, not because they have down syndrome, but because they sometimes say and do things that are funny and you expect it.  The acting is actually pretty decent and the character of Rem is outstanding and perfectly done.  You really hate the character by the end of the movie which is what is intended.  The special effects are what you would expect with a movie of this budget.  Nothing special like you would find in a Savini flick.  The revealing of the killer is not what I was expecting because the film points fingers at Nicholas the whole time the murders are taking place.  This movie is very entertaining...after the first 30 minutes.  If those 30 minutes did not set up the story I would tell you to fast forward but you may miss out.  I definitely recommend this one so check it out. 

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