Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Twilight Zone: Season Two

Creator(s) - Simon Kinberg (Deadpool 2, The New Mutants), Jordan Peele (Get Out, Us), and Marco Ramirez (Daredevil, The Defenders)
Starring - Jordan Peele, Jimmi Simpson (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Into the Dark), and Topher Grace (Predators, That 70s Show)
Release Date - 2020
Genre - Horror/Sci-Fi/ Drama
Tagline - "Escape"
Format - DVD (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     The Twilight Zone is one of the most iconic shows in history.  Rod Serling sitting on the table speaking before and after each episode is something that has made it's way into modern pop culture with his appearance appearing in memes and other images circulating social media.  The show has seen several revivals over the year.  Honestly, they were fun in their own right but they are still met with heavy criticism from fans.  In 2019 it was announced that Jordan Peele would be hosting a new reincarnation of the series.  I was on the fence about it only knowing Peele from the comedy sketch show Keye and Peele.  However, I gave the first season a shot and fucking loved it.  With the pandemic around us I didn't believe a second season would be released but a few days ago I was surprised with season two on DVD for review.  I couldn't wait to dig into it.
     The second season features several episodes following people who can communicate telepathically, a man living the same day over and over, a man who controls the town with a model set, and an alien that morphs into a couples deceased daughter.
     The Twilight Zone appeals to so many different genre fans.  It has some seriously clever sci-fi themed episodes, extremely dramatic episodes, and some episodes that dive deep into horror.  The first season of the Peele hosted show was really enjoyable so I was curious if the second would be just as fun or if the pandemic hit it.  It looks like it was actually finished prior to the shut down and just as enjoyable as the first season.  The acting in this season is nothing short of brilliant.  Every episode is consistent with the cast delivering some seriously enjoyable performances.  The characters are great and well written which gave the cast a lot to work with.  The stories for this season range from solid level dramas to dark horror and sci-fi influenced.  They all have that iconic Twilight Zone twist that makes every episode worth watching.  With that being said, the episode titled 8 was extremely goofy.  It took something that could be truly disturbing and made it goofy.  It was the only episode that really didn't fit with the others.  Finally, this season features a lot of heavy visual effects, some practical effects, and a lot of character development.  Fans of the original Twilight Zone know not to expect blood and gore and this season is no different.  However, the make-up and practical effects we do get look fantastic while the visual effects do stand out.  Overall, Season two was an amazing entry in the iconic series.  If you have yet to give the new Twilight Zone a shot I highly recommend doing so.  Both seasons are amazing and well worth your time.  

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