Monday, March 29, 2021

A Scream in the Streets

Director(s) - Carl Monson (Will to Die, The Takers), Dwayne Avery (Weekend Lovers, Booby Trap), Bethel Buckalew (Midnite Plowboys, Southern Comforts), and Harry H. Novak (Inspirations, Moments of Love)
Starring - Joshua Bryant (Night Gallery, Highway to Heaven), Frank Bannon, and Rosie Stone (Racing Fever)
Release Date -1973
Genre - Crime/Thriller
Tagline - "A city ripped apart by sin and lust!"
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection) (Screener)

Rating (out of 5):

     When Severin announced their four March releases I was shocked by a couple of the title but the artwork on one really caught my eye.  Most know my love for horror but my close friends know how much I adore exploitation cinema.  These films from the late 60s through today were something that had to be seen to appreciate.  The 70s was the hay day for exploitation cinema and when Severin announced the release of the 1973 sexploitation flick A Scream in the Streets I knew I had to have it.  Some genre fans may know this film as Girls in the Street which is what I had originally heard the film as when I was a member of the Upcoming Horror Movies message board some years ago.  I want to thank MVD and Severin for sending this one over for review.
     The film follows a town under panic as they are under the assault of a rapist/murderer who dresses as a woman to lure in his victims.  Two detectives are sent to investigate the string of rape and murders but struggle with finding him when their sexual desires get in the way.
     This release was the one I was the most excited for but it was easily the weakest of the four releases.  I was bored out of my mind during most of it and the sex scenes were so mind-numbingly slow with no energy what so ever.  The acting in this one is not bad but the cast delivers some of the driest performances I've ever seen in a sexploitation flick or otherwise.  The cast lacked energy and their emotional range is that of a high school play.  There was a few scenes where they picked up the slack but these scenes were few and far in between.  The story for this one is a sexploitation version of Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things which was released two years prior.  We follow a man in drag as he rapes and murders people which is similar to Aunt Martha.  However, this film puts a lot of focus on the sex scenes which were extremely low-brow and boring.  I could have really got into this one if more emphasis was put into the rapist angle over the police investigating and fucking.  It was rather dull and I found myself watching the clock more than I was watching the film.  Finally, the film has a few deaths but they are nude women with random blood splatter on them.  If you are looking for blood or gore you will be greatly disappointed.  Overall, A Scream in the Streets is a bit of a boring sexploitation flick that has a great story but the cast doesn't dedicate themselves enough to the film.  The blu looks great and collectors will want to snag it but if you are looking for a first time watch I would recommend something else.  

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