Monday, March 8, 2021

Space Psychos

Director - Carl J. Sukenick (Alien Beasts, Zombie City)
Starring - Carl J. Sukenick
Genre - Horror/Comedy/Sci-Fi
Format - Bluray (Personal Collection)

Rating (out of 5):

     As the pandemic was raging on last year I found myself spending some serious cash on SRS Cinema's pandemic sale.  I was snagging a bunch of movies I had my eye on for some time but never actually pulled the trigger on while looking for other films on sale.  When I was browsing through their list of movies I saw the blu release of Carl J. Sukenick's Space Psychos.  I was really digging the artwork but I didn't know shit about the movie so this was a pure blind buy.  I ordered a copy and rushed to YouTube to check out the trailer.  It looked like a no-budget midnfuck and I couldn't wait to see it.  
     The film follows Carl (Sukenick) who lost his sister when she was murdered by alien terrorists.  He goes on a killing spree seeking revenge.
     I wasn't expecting an amazing shot on video epic but I was expecting a finished movie of sorts.  I've always said that Bloodbath in the House of Knives is the worst movie I've ever reviewed but I'd have to say that Space Psychos has completely surpassed that in every way.  It's not a finished film and it's almost insulting to release it like it is.  The acting in this one is not really acting.  A good portion of the film is watching people sit around casually telling jokes or reading jokes off paper while Carl smokes and laughs off screen.  It's almost like a rehearsal was filmed and then used last minute.  We then get to the fight scenes that are so bad I couldn't laugh at them.  They go beyond so bad they are good.  They are so bad they are cringy.  The story for this one is simple enough but the film doesn't follow it.  The overall ark of the is aliens killing his sister but what most of the film is has nothing to do with that.  We have random people telling jokes to cheer him up but they are not that funny and some could be considered offensive now.  Finally, the film has bloody but that's the extent of the effects.  If you are looking for decent gore and memorable death scenes then you are barking up the wrong tree here.  Overall, Space Psychos feels like an unfinished film.  I've only seen one other film from Sukenick but it was somewhat watchable.  This movie feels like a recorded rehearsal that was used last minute with other scenes to piece together something that resembles a movie.  I would highly recommend skipping this one.  

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